homo-, hom- +

(Greek: same, equal, like, similar, common; one and the same)

This Greek prefix forms many scientific and other terms, often in opposition to hetero-. Don’t confuse this Greek homo- element with the Latin homo- which means “mankind”.

1. Fertilization of a flower by its own pollen or by that of another flower on the same plant.
2. The simultaneous maturation of male and female reproductive organs in a flower or hermaphrodite organism.
3. Applied to flowers in which the stamens and pistils ripen together.
4. The condition of a plant producing only one kind of flower.
5. Similarity of husband and wife in a specific trait.
A group that has a common origin.
A substance produced by homogenizing.
homogene, homogeneal (adjective); more homogene, most homogene; more homogeneal, most homogeneal
Outdated, homogeneous: When Jenny made the cake dough it had a homogeneal and smooth consistency, and not lumpy at all!
Similar throughout; of uniform structure or composition.
homogeneous (hoh" muh JEE nee uhs)
1. Of the same composition or character throughout.
2. Having the same kind of constituent elements, or being similar in nature.
3. Having a uniform composition or structure.
homogenesis, homogenetic
1. The reproduction by the same process in each generation.
2. A mode of reproduction in which the offspring are like the parent and have the same cycle of existence.
3. Non-alternation of generations; the succession of morphologically similar generations.
homogenize, homogenized
1. To emulsify the fat particles in milk or cream so as to give it an even consistency and prevent cream from separating from the rest of the milk.
2. To become or to cause something to become homogeneous.
homogenous (huh MOJ uh nuhs)
Having a similarity in structure due to descent from a common ancestor or development from a common stock.
A similarity in individuals, organs, or parts caused by a common ancestry.
Having the same language.
homogony, homogonous, homogonously
Having stamens and pistils of uniform respective length in all flowers of the same species.
homograde (HOH muh grayd)
Expressed in one or the other of two contrasting categories; such as, male or female.
A graft of tissue from one organism to another of the same species.
A word that is spelled in the same way as one or more other words but is different in meaning, e.g., the verb project; as in, “I project that next year we will do better.” and the noun project; as in, “I will complete the project next week.”

Other homographs include: fair, a market and fair, beautiful; lead, to conduct, and lead, the metal.

Information about Homophones and Homonyms, Explained and Demonstrated.

Another page about Homonyms, Homographs, and Homophones.

Confusing Words Related to Homonyms, Homophones, etc.: Units, Groups A to Y.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units dealing with "equal, identical, same, similar": auto-; emul-; equ-, equi-; homeo-; iso-; pari-; peer; rhomb-; syn-; tauto-.