eco-, oeco-, oec-
(Greek: house, household affairs [environment, habitat], home, dwelling; used in one extensive sense as, "environment")
An activist who takes direct, often unlawful, action on an environmental issue.
A branch of veterinary medicine dealing with domestic animals.
Ecozoic Era
1. An (imaginary) era in the future when humans live in harmony with nature and the Earth.
2. A reference to the promise of a coming era when humans live in a mutually enhancing relationship with the larger community of life systems.
2. A reference to the promise of a coming era when humans live in a mutually enhancing relationship with the larger community of life systems.
The Ecozoic Era could also be called the “ecological age”.
In biology, the study of intraspecific variations and genetic compositions in relation to the environment.
heteroecious (adjective, more ), more heteroecious, most heteroecious
Regarding an organism occupying two or more different hosts at different stages of a life cycle: A heteroecious parasite of aphid is one that passes through different stages in its development on alternate and frequently on unrelated hosts.
The ecology of a macrohabitat or larger generalized area.
1. A branch of economics that focuses on the general features and processes that make up a national economy and the ways in which different segments of the economy are connected (takes a singular verb).
2. A branch of economics dealing with the broad and general aspects of an economy; such as, the relationship between the income and investments of a country as a whole.
2. A branch of economics dealing with the broad and general aspects of an economy; such as, the relationship between the income and investments of a country as a whole.
This is the field of economics that studies the behavior of the aggregate economy including economy-wide phenomena; such as, changes in unemployment, national income, rate of growth, gross domestic product, inflation, and price levels.
Macroeconomics is focused on the movement and trends in the economy as a whole, while in microeconomics the focus is placed on factors that affect the decisions made by firms and individuals.
The factors that are studied by macro and micro will often influence each other; for example, the current level of unemployment in the economy as a whole will affect the supply of workers which an oil company can hire from.
The economy viewed as a whole and in terms of all those factors that control its overall performance.
The ecology of a microhabitat (very small area).
The study of specific or localized aspects of an economy (takes a singular verb).
Ecology that deals with fossil organisms.
synecologist (s), synecologists (pl) (noun forms)
1. A student of synecology.
2. Anyone who practices or supports the study of groups of organisms that are associated as a unit or a biological community.
2. Anyone who practices or supports the study of groups of organisms that are associated as a unit or a biological community.
1. The structure, development, and distribution of communities in relation to their environments: Henry has been specializing in synecology at the university because he is convinced that understanding plant and animal communities and their relationships with each other is essential for the proper survival of the ecological systems.
3. A study of the interrelationships among communities of organisms, populations, communities, and systems: The professor told his students that synecology includes the science of all living and relevant nonliving components of natural communities and their relationships with each other.
3. A study of the interrelationships among communities of organisms, populations, communities, and systems: The professor told his students that synecology includes the science of all living and relevant nonliving components of natural communities and their relationships with each other.
The study of the relationships between animals and their environments; animal ecology: Zooecology is the branch of ecology concerned with the interdependence of animals to their surroundings and to other animals.