eco-, oeco-, oec-

(Greek: house, household affairs [environment, habitat], home, dwelling; used in one extensive sense as, "environment")

agroecologist (s) (noun), agroecologists (pl)
An expert in or a student of the design, development, and management of sustainable agricultural systems: An agroecologist studies the applications of ecological principles while considering existing social, cultural, and economic factors of farming communities.
agroecology (s) (noun), agroecologies (pl)
Ecology as applied to agriculture: Agroecology is the study of the relationship between the environment and agricultural crops.

Agroecology is the science dealing with the connection s between agricultural systems and their environments.

autecological, autoecological (adjectives)
A descriptive term for the study of the interactions of an individual organism or a single species with the living and nonliving components of its environment: "The students were encouraged to consider the autecological aspects of the natural environment that includes individual peculiarities and reactions of individual plant and animal species to their environmental conditions."
autecology, autoecology (s) (nouns)
1. The ecology of an individual organism or species.
2. The study of the ecology of an individual plant or species; the opposite of synecology.
bioecological (adjective)
A reference to the interrelationships between plants and animals and their abiotic environments.
bioecologist (s), bioecologists (pl) (noun forms)
1. A specialist who studies the relationships of organisms to their natural environments.
2. Someone who favors, or specializes, in bioecology; such as, an ecologist.
bioecology (s) (noun), bioecologies (pl)
1. The science of organisms as affected by the factors of their environments.
2. The study of the environment and life history of organisms.
3. The study of the interrelations among living organisms in their natural environment; ecology.
dioecious, dioecy, dioic
In biology, having the male and female reproductive organs in separate individuals. Most animal species are dioecious, as are some plants, such as asparagus.
ecoactivist (s) (noun), ecoactivists (pl)
One who actively opposes the pollution of, or tries to prevent damage to the living world: An ecoactivist can also be described as an environmental activist or an environmental campaigner.
Using the technical language of ecology to make the user seem to be ecologically aware.
The study of the relationships of organisms to their natural environments.
The conditions pertaining to a mode of life within a specific habitat.
ecocatastrophe, ecocatastrophy
Major damage to the environment, especially when caused by human activity.
1. Centring on the environment; emphasizing the importance of protecting the environment rather than the needs or rights of human beings; of or relating to ecocentrism.
2. An adherent or advocate of ecocentrism.
The view or belief that environmental concerns should take precedence over the needs and rights of human beings considered in isolation.

Related "home; house" word units: domo-; ecdemo-; nosto-.