
(Greek: bad, harsh, wrong; ill; hard to do, difficult at; slow of; disordered; impaired, defective)

dyspnea, dyspnoea
1. Air hunger resulting in labored or difficult breathing, sometimes accompanied by pain. It is normal when due to vigorous work or athletic activity.
2. Difficulty in breathing caused; for example, by heart disease, over exertion, or by being over weight.
dyspneic (adjective), more dyspneic, most dyspneic
Relating to, or characterized by a shortness of breath, a subjective difficulty or distress in breathing, usually associated with a disease of the heart or lungs: Dyspneic, or labored breathing, occurs normally during intense physical exertion, at high altitude, or because of being overweight.
dysponesis (s) (noun) (no pl)
A reversible physiopathologic state consisting of unnoticed, misdirected neurophysiologic reactions to various agents (environmental events, bodily sensations, emotions, and thoughts) and the repercussions of these reactions throughout the organism: Jack was nervous, and while he was explaining his proposal to the chairman, he underwent a condition of dysponesis in which his arms and hands were stiff and cold.
dyspraxia (s) (noun)
1. Poor coordination displayed by some children, diagnosed by illegible handwriting and the inability to catch a ball or to clap their hands while the ball is in the air: "When she was young, the child went to a special clinic to overcome her dyspraxia so she could improve her handwriting skills and the ability to play games."
2. A disturbance in the programming, control, and execution of normal movements; "Dyspraxia is usually associated with a stroke, a head injury, or any condition affecting the cerebral-brain hemispheres."

"Dyspraxia is also said to be a disorder that sometimes affects only one area of development; for example, an impairment of the ability to write legibly."

Information is located at Chemical Element: dysprosium.
A lack of normal rhythm, melody, and articulation of speech.

This condition may be present in patients with parkinsonism.

1. An irregularity in an otherwise normal rhythm, especially of heartbeats or brainwaves.
2. Abnormal, disordered, or disturbed rhythm.
3. An abnormality in an otherwise normal rhythmic pattern, as of brain waves being recorded by an electroencephalograph.
dyssebacia (s) (noun) (no pl)
An ailment caused by an incorrect function of the sebaceous gland: Dyssebacia is a common scaly macular eruption that occurs primarily on the face, scalp (dandruff), and other areas of increased sebaceous gland secretion. The lesions are covered with a slightly adherent oily scale.
A subjective impression that all, or part of, the body has become deformed, for example that it has become smaller, or that a limb or part of a limb belongs to someone else.
dyssomnia (s) (noun), dyssomnias (pl)
1. Sleep disorders characterized by a disturbance in the amount, quality, or timing of sleep: Tom decided not to drink any more coffee because it apparently caused his dyssomnia and so he could not sleep through the night.
2. Any disturbances of normal sleep or rhythm pattern: Sharon's house was next to the railroad tracks which caused her to have dyssomnia because she never got used to the noises of trains traveling during the night.
3. Any disturbance involving the amount, quality, or timing of sleep: Timothy's stress with his boss at work made him have headaches and he became quite nervous. After going to his doctor, because he was getting so little sleep, his condition was diagnosed as dyssomnia and he was encouraged to get a less stressful job.
3. Etymology: from Greek dys-, "bad, ill, impaired, defective" + Latin -somnia, "sleep".
dyssomniac (s) (noun), dyssomniacs (pl)
A person who has a disturbance of normal sleep: Sarah's mother, a dyssomniac, could only sleep about two hours during the night, because she couldn't stop worrying about her daughter who left home all of a sudden.
dysstasia (s) (noun) (no plural)
The difficulty in staying in an upright standing position: Because the elderly lady had problems with keeping her balance and was quite wobbly on her feet, she went to see her doctor who said that she was suffering from dysstasia.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving word units meaning "bad, wrong": caco-, kako-; mal-; mis-; pessim-; sceler-.

Cross references directly, or indirectly, involving "slow, slowness, slow of, sluggish": lent-; tard-.