cryo-, cry-, kryo-, kry-

(Greek: cold, very cold, freezing; used to describe the effects of low temperatures or activities carried on at a very low temperature)

cryophilic (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to a form of life that thrives at low temperatures: For her report in biology, Jane read that some cryophilic organisms that prefer icy habitats include psychrophilic microorganisms and actinobacteria.
cryophobia (s) (noun), cryophobias (pl)
A hatred of cold temperatures caused by ice, ice crystal precipitation, or frost: Alice has been suffering from cryophobias on several occasions during the severe winter where she lives.

Because of his cryophobia, Frank has been having his heaters turned up very high because he can't even look out of his windows since the high snow has covered them up outside, and he and his family feel as if they are living in a refrigerator!

cryophoric (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to a device used to freeze a liquid by its own evaporation: In class, Mr. Black showed his students a cryophoric device that could transform a liquid into ice, or freezing it, by the use of its own evaporation.
cryophorous, cryophorus (s) (noun); cryophorouses; cryophoruses (pl)
An instrument demonstrating the freezing of water by its evaporation: Mr. Jones explained to his students that by the use of a cryophorous water could turn into ice by its own evaporation.

A cryophorus is a device t for showing the freezing of water by its own evaporation.

cryophylactic (adjective) (not comparable)
Resistant to low temperatures: Cryophylactic bacteria are those organisms that can withstand freezing.
cryophysics (s) (noun) (no pl)
A branch of physics that is concerned with processes and phenomena at temperatures approaching absolute zero: Mary wanted to take a class in cryophysics which dealt with the occurrences or marvels connected with sutstances at very low temperatures.
cryophytes (s) (noun), cryophytes (pl)
A plant that grows on ice or snow: Algae, bacteria, and fungi are considered to be cryophytes as they thrive well at low temperatures in the winter season or in cold climates.
cryoplanation (s) (noun), cryoplanations (pl)
Land erosion that results from processes associated with intensive frost action: In his geology seminar, Dr. Green explained that the effects of movement on land, caused by ice action, was termed cryoplanation
cryoplankton (s) (noun), cryoplankton (pl)
Minute organisms existing in persistent snow, ice, and glacial waters: Cryoplankton, especially the algid flora, inhabit snow, ice, and the ice water of the alpine and polar areas.
cryoprecipitate (s) (noun), cryoprecipitates (pl)
A frozen blood product formed from plasma: A cryoprecipitate is a solid matter which forms when soluble material is cooled, especially with reference to the precipitate that forms in normal blood plasma which has been subjected to cold precipitation and which is rich in factor VIII.
cryoprecipitation (s) (noun), cryoprecipitations (pl)
The process of forming a solid that settles from a solution: The cryoprecipitation that forms when plasma is frozen and then thawed which is especially rich in fibronectin (secreted proteins) and a blood clotting factor, that, when acting together, can form a blood clot shortly after platelets have broken at the site of the wound.
cryopreservation (s) (noun), cryopreservations (pl)
The process of protecting biological tissues at an extremely low temperature normally at -80°C.: Cryopreservation is the maintenance of the viability of excised tissues or organs at extremely low temperatures.

Cryopreservation includes the process of storing semen, ova, corneas, embryos, bone marrow, or body tissue at extremely low temperatures for future use.

cryopreserve (verb, ), cryopreserves; cryopreserved; cryopreserving
To conserve a thing, particularly biological tissues, by the way of freezing and holding it at an exceedingly low temperature: Joan read that certain seeds are cryopreserved in special locations in an artic region in order to keep them for further use.
cryoprobe (s) (noun), cryoprobes (pl)
A surgical instrument for conducting intense cold to small areas of body tissues in order to destroy those areas: While at the dermatologist's, Dr. Small used a cryoprobe to apply liquid nitrogen to a small unhealthy spot on Virginia's arm in order to remove it completely.
cryoprostatectomy (s) (noun) (no pl)
Destruction of the prostate gland by freezing and utilizing a specially designed cryoprobe: In medical school, Joe learned about cryoprostatectomy as being a method in surgery to destroy the prostate gland.

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Cross references of word families that are related directly or indirectly to "winter, freezing, frost, and/or cold": algid- (cold, chilly); cheimo-, chimo- (winter, cold); crymo-, krymo- (cold, chill, frost); frigo-, frig- (cold, frost); gel-, gelati- (freeze, frost, congeal); hiber- (winter, wintry); pago- (cold, freezing); psychro- (cold); rhigo- (cold, frost; shiver).