-cola, -colas; -cole; -colent; -colid; -coline; -colous

(Latin: to inhabit; to live in, to live on, to live among; to dwell; living among, dwelling in; occurring on, occurring in)

Suffixes that refer to the location or an area of growth. Used primarily in botanical and biological terminology to indicate a plant or an organism that is characterized by a habitat or place of existence as indicated by the combining root.

The suffix -cole is derived from Latin colere, "to inhabit, to dwell, to live".

If you want to see more details about a "Source" link under any of the entries in this unit, click on it and you will be taken to the Bibliography of Habitat and Dwelling Environments unit and there you can find the book by scrolling down until you see the TITLE of the book in GREEN.

Don't confuse this -cole, -cola , "inhabit, live in, dwelling in" unit with the following cole-, coleo- (sheath, scabbard, vagina); coll-, col- (neck); collo-, coll- (glue); colo-, col- (colon, large intestine); and colon-, coln- (farm, settlement) units.

forbicolous (adjective), more forbicolous, most forbicolous
fructicole (verb), fructicoles; fructicoled; fructicoling: fruit
1. Living on or in fruits.
2. Inhabiting fruit; especially, parasitic fungi.
fructicolous (adjective), more fructicolous, most fructicolous
fruticole (verb), fruticoles; fruticoled; fruticoling: shrubs
Living or growing on shrubs.
fruticolous (adjective), more fruticolous, most fruticolous
fungicole (verb), fungicoles; fungicoled; fungicoling: fungi
Living in or on fungi.
fungicolous (adjective), more fungicolous, most fungicolous
A kind of plant without leaves, flowers, or green color that grows mainly in wet places or on decaying substances.

There are many different types of fungicolous plants; including, mushrooms, mildews, yeasts, and molds.

Some fungicolous plants grow in or on other fungi.

gallicole (verb), gallicoles; gallicoled; gallicoling
Living or dwelling in galls which are swellings or abnormal growths in plants that are produced when microbial or fungal infections occur or when attacked by insects, mites, or other invertebrates.
gallicolous (adjective); more gallicolous, most gallicolous
gelicole (adjective) (not comparable)
Botany, a plant that grows in geloid soils that have a crystalloid content of between 0.2 and 0.5 parts per thousand: Mr. Tree asked his students to find out which types of gelicole species of vegetation thrive in gelisol, a kind of soil that is found in cold climates.

Geloid soil is characterized by low salt content, weak solutions, strong colloidal properties and a crystalloid content of less than 0.5 parts per thousand.

gelicolous (adjective), more gelicolous, most gelicolous
A form of life that thrives in a gelisol: Two examples of gelicolous flowers are the Peony and the Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea).
geocole (verb), geocoles; geocoled; geocoling
To spend part of an organism's life in the soil, like an egg, or larval, stage in the ground: Flies, beetles, or moths are examples of creatures that geocole.
geocolous (adjective), more geocolous, most geocolous
Referring to life in the soil for part of a life cycle or period of time: Some smaller forms of life, like mites and earthworms, and some larger animals, such as burrowing rodents, are all considered to be geocolous organisms.
graminicole (verb), graminicoles; graminicoled; graminicoling: grass
Growing or living in or on grass: "There are creatures that are graminicoling most of their lives in a grassland habitats."
graminicolous (adjective), more graminicolous, most graminicolous
A reference to animals that spend most of their lives in grassy habitats.

For more details about plants and animals living together, go to this Habitats for the Living page.

The list of books or the resources that were used to compile the information for this unit are available at this Bibliography of Habitat and Dwelling Environments unit.

You may take a self-scoring quiz over some of the words in this section by clicking on this -cole, -colus quiz to check your word knowledge for this unit or even learn some of the words via this quiz.

Related life, live-word units: anima-; bio-; vita-; viva-.