chrono-, chron-
(Greek: time, times; sequence of times)
An instrument that records changes in pressure versus time: At the museum, Mary saw a chronokymograph which was a device that documented the alterations in pressure in regards to time.
One who studies chronology, a chronologist: Joe's mother was a chronologer who investigated the date and order in time of the town's historical events for the museum.
chronological (adjective), more chronological, most chronological
Relating to the order of time, series, or events during which something happens: A chronological age refers to a person's actual length of life in years as calculated from birth, which is opposed to any age classification based on the rate of mental development.

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Although Samuel had the chronological existence of six years as a little boy, he seemed to have the mental characteristics of a teenager.
Time goes, you say? Ah no!
Alas, Time stays, we go.

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so you can see more of Mickey Bach's cartoons.
A following of one thing or person after another in time: Jane was new in the huge family of eleven people, so she wrote down the names in chronological succession starting with the oldest of the children to the youngest.
1. The science of computing and adjusting time or periods of time (no pl): A chronology involves the recording and the arrangement of events in the order of time, the computation of time, and the assignation of events to their correct dates.
2. A chronological table, list, or treatise: In the library Tom finally found the historical chronologies of the German castles he was going to visit in the summer.
3. A series of past events in the sequence of when they occurred: Jack gave his friend Grace a report of the chronology of his visit to the mayor of the city.
2. A chronological table, list, or treatise: In the library Tom finally found the historical chronologies of the German castles he was going to visit in the summer.
3. A series of past events in the sequence of when they occurred: Jack gave his friend Grace a report of the chronology of his visit to the mayor of the city.
Divination to determine the precise or favorable time for some action: Chronomancy is also a foretelling or prediction of a lucky or unlucky day!
Chronomancy was formerly practiced especially in China.
chronomantic (adjective) (not comparable)
Concerning the forecast or prognosis of the most desirable time to do an activity: In the fantasy story, the little girl was told that the chronomantic moment to find her lost sister was during twilight the next day.
1. In horlology, an exceptionally precise watch, timepiece, or clock: The time of day is indicated by a chronometer set to Greenwich Mean Time.
2. An instrument for measuring time, specifically applied to time-keepers adjusted to keep accurate time in all variations of temperature: Chronometers are said to differ from watches by having a more perfect escapement and a compensation balance, and are used for determining longitude at sea, and for other exact observations.
2. An instrument for measuring time, specifically applied to time-keepers adjusted to keep accurate time in all variations of temperature: Chronometers are said to differ from watches by having a more perfect escapement and a compensation balance, and are used for determining longitude at sea, and for other exact observations.
One method of dating that relies on chronological measurements: Chronometric dating is used for calendars, radiocarbon dates, etc.
Chronometric dating in archaeology and geology is also termed "absolute dating".
In electronics, a device that converts information into digital form by counting electrical pulses: A chronometric encoder needs an electronic counter to count and time events using electricity and then present a number in a digital form equal to the input magnitude.
The technique of accurately measuring time; the measurement of intervals of time: The system of chronometry proved to be excellent in Jill's watch and it kept perfect time even when she was hiking in high altitudes in the Alps!
An instrument for measuring the chronaxie or electric reaction of a muscle: Dr. Short used a chronomyometer to estimate the minimum time of an electric current which stimulated the muscle in Jack's arm.
An anticancer treatment based on the timing of drug administration: In addition, chronooncology also concerns the research dealing with the influence of biologic rhythms on new and abnormal growth of cells, or tumors.
A branch of chronobiology concerned with the effects of drugs upon the timing of biological events and rhythms, and the relation of biological timing to the effects of drugs: Chronopharmacology is concerned with the differences in the reaction of biological methods to drugs at various times.
A device that generates standard time signal pulses from a clock or other timing mechanism: Historically, a chronopher is used for transmitting or distributing the precise time by the application of electric signals.
Related "time" units: aevum, evum; archaeo-, archeo-; Calendars; horo-; pre-; Quotes: Time; tempo-.