arch, -archic, -archical, -archism, -archist, -archy

(Greek: govern, rule; ruler, chief [first in position])

panarchy, pantarchy (s) (noun); panarchies, pantarchies (pl)
1. A state in which the rule of government is vested in all the people.
2. Rule over the entire or all of the universe.
3. A universal realm; such as, "the starry panarchy of space" or "the panarchy of created things".
Papal rule or sovereignty; government by a pope.
1. The father and ruler of a family or tribe; specifically in the New Testament, and uses derived from there, the twelve sons of Jacob, from whom the tribes of Israel were descended; also, the fathers of the race, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and their forefathers.
2. The title of the bishops of the four patriarchates of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem, the Patriarch of Constantinople being the Head of the Church or Ecumenical Patriarch. Also the title of the heads of the other Eastern Churches, as the Abyssinian, Armenian, Jacobite, and Coptic.
3. In the Roman Catholic Church; a bishop second only to the pope in episcopal, and to the pope and cardinals in hierarchical rank, and next above primates and metropolitans. The title of the Latin bishops of Constantinople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem; also, of those of the three minor patriarchates, the Indies, Lisbon, and Venice.
4. One who is regarded as the father or founder of an order, institution, or tradition, or (by extension) of a science, school of thought, or the like.
5. A venerable old man; especially, the oldest man, the "father" of a village or neighbourhood; the veteran or oldest living representative of a class, profession, art, or such.
Of, pertaining to, or of the nature of the ancient patriarchs, or of the patriarchal system of government; like a patriarch.
1. The government of a church by a patriarch or patriarchs.
2. A patriarchal system of society or government; government by the father or the eldest male of the family; a family, tribe, or community so organized.
3. A society organized with the father or oldest male as head, with descent through the male line.
pedarchy, paedarchy
The rule or government by a child or children.
1. The ruler of one of a group of five districts or kingdoms.
2. One of a governing body of five persons.
1. A government by five rulers; a group of five districts or kingdoms each under its own ruler.
2. The government of a country or district by a body of five persons; a governing body of five.
The chief or ruler of a phyle or tribe in ancient Greece; hence, a tribal chief generally.
Tribal government.
plutarchy (s) (noun), plutarchies
The rule of a country by those who are rich or wealthy: "The plutarchy of the country existed for a long time and it apparently was never challenged by the working classes."
A governor of citizens; the title of civic magistrates in some Oriental cities; such as, Thessalonica, under the Romans.
The rule of the multitude; government by the mob.
polyarchy, polarchy, polygarchy
The government of a state or city by many: contrasted with monarchy.
One of seven rulers.