andro-, andr-, -ander, -andra, -andria, -andrian, -andric, -andrism, -androus, -andries, -andry
(Greek: man, men, male, masculine; also, stamen or anther as used in botany)
proterandrous, proterandry
1. In botany, having the stamens or male organs mature before the pistil or female organ.
2. In zoology, a hermaphrodite animal; or a colony of zooids, having the male organs, or individuals, sexually mature before the female organs.
2. In zoology, a hermaphrodite animal; or a colony of zooids, having the male organs, or individuals, sexually mature before the female organs.
pseudandrous, pseudandry
Use of a masculine name by a woman as a pseudonym.
A reference to the mind of a man or men.
Relating to the body of a man.
The condition of an organism in populations in which males are only very sparsely found.
A group of males living together.
A group of fused anthers.
Relating to any agent or condition that enhances the effects of androgens.
tetrandrous, tetrandrious, tetrandrin
In botany, having four equal stamens.
Divine man; god-man.
theandrous, theandry, theandric
1. Pertaining to both God and man; partaking of both man and the divine.
2. Relating to, or existing by, the union of the divine and man; whether in operation simply, or in nature; especially, as attributed to Christ.
2. Relating to, or existing by, the union of the divine and man; whether in operation simply, or in nature; especially, as attributed to Christ.
triandrous, triandric
In botany, having three stamens.

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