andro-, andr-, -ander, -andra, -andria, -andrian, -andric, -andrism, -androus, -andries, -andry
(Greek: man, men, male, masculine; also, stamen or anther as used in botany)
Combining the forms of man and bull, as with the Minotaur.
Having the filaments of the stamens divided into two parts.
The dissection of male bodies. The dissection of human bodies is anthropotomy. Androtomy is used to refer to the dissection of man’s body to distinguish it from zootomy, which refers to the dissection of the bodies of other animals.
The male-type specimen of the human species or characterized by people who consist of masculine types.
Any substance capable of preventing full expression of the biological effects of androgenic hormones on responsive tissues, either by producing antagonistic effects on the target tissue, as estrogens do, or by merely inhibiting androgenic effects, such as by competing for binding sites at the cell surface.
apandrous, apandry, apandria
1. Said of a male organ that has lost its function, particularly in plants.
2. Dislike of the male sex; especially by a woman.
2. Dislike of the male sex; especially by a woman.
clinandrium, androclinium
In botany, a cavity in the apex of the column between the anther sac of certain orchids.
Characterized by ten stamens.
diandrous, diandry
1. In botany, having two stamens.
2. In zoology, having two male mates.
2. In zoology, having two male mates.
dodecandrous, dodecander, dodecandrian
In botany, having twelve stamens.
Having the male flowers mature before the female.
In botany, having nine stamens.
In zoology, an abnormal male ant that resembles a worker in certain characteristics.
ergatandrous, ergatandry, ergantaner
1. Pertaining to those ants in which the ergates [worker ants] appear to be males.
2. Having wingless males, said of certain ants.
2. Having wingless males, said of certain ants.
An older term for gynandromorph.

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