(s) (noun) (no pl)
A technique for growing (cultivating) plants without them being in soil or in hydroponic (water) media; aeroculture: The method of aeroponics consists of plants being held above a system that constantly, or intermittently, mists the roots with nutrient-laden water.
(s) (noun), aeroporotomies
Any operation that allows air to enter the lungs, such as with a tracheotomy: Aeroporotomy is a non-extant term referring to a surgical operation enabling the free passage of air into the lungs, sometimes used to bypass an obstruction.
aeroscepsy, aeroscepsis
(s) (noun) (no pl)
In zoology, the ability of animals to perceive the quality of the air: It is said that certain insects possess aeroscepsy and can detect the odor or condition of the atmosphere by using their antennae.
aeroscope, aeroscloscope
(s) (noun); aeroscopes; aeroscloscopes
An apparatus for gathering bacteria, dust, etc. from the air: An
auroscope is a device which is used for microscopic examination after collecting bacteria from the air.
An auroscope is an instrument, usually electronic, used to count microscopic dust and other suspended matter in the air for purposes of analysis.
The differences in intensity of the light reflected from each particle facilitates the identification of the pieces of dust.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
1. In meteorology, the measurement of the optical properties of air: Aeroscopy is a rare term for the scientific investigation of air for the different compositions and properties of dust or other suspended matter.
2. In zoology, the observation and detection of the conditions in the atmosphere: Insects, and even snails, have the instinctive ability of aeroscopy that aids them in surviving.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Constant swallowing; sialoaerophagy: The habit of aerosialophagy involves the intake of saliva and air into the stomach.
(s) (noun), aerosinusites
Inflammation of the paranasal sinuses caused by pressure difference within the sinus relative to ambient pressure, secondary to obstruction of the sinus orifice: barosinusitis; sinus squeeze; sinus barotrauma:
Aerosinusitis is sometimes due to high altitude flying affecting the occupants of aircraft during flight, particularly during descent, or soon after descent.
"Barotrauma" is a trauma (serious or critical bodily injury, wound, or shock) caused by the rapid or extreme changes in air pressure, especially affecting enclosed cavities within the body, such as the middle ear (otic barotrauma), the sinuses (sinus barotrauma), and the lungs (pulmonary barotrauma.
(s) (noun), aeroses
The production of gas in the tissues of the body: Aerosis is the creation of gas inside the body which is generated by bacteria, for example in gas gangrene.
(s) (noun), aerosols
1. A blend of liquid droplets and solid particles which are supported in a gaseous medium: Aerosols are dispersed into the air in the form of a fine mist , smoke, or fog!
2. A product that is packaged under pressure and contains therapeutically or chemically active ingredients: Aerosols are intended for topical application, inhalation, or introduction into body orifices.
aerosol propellant
(s) (noun), aerosol propellants
A liquefied gas that is used as the driving force to expel a liquid from a container, such as a spray from a can: Examples of aerosol propellants are hair spray, deodorants, spray paints, or various household cleaning products.
(s) (noun), aerosolizations
Dispersion in air of a liquid material or a solution in the form of a fine mist: The resulting product of
aerosolization is usually used for therapeutic purposes, especially for the respiratory passages.
Aerosolization is the creation or generation of an aerosol.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The scientific study of aerosol (fine spray) therapy: Aerosology is the methodical research dealing with suspensions of microscopic or ultrafine solid or liquid elements in gas.
(s) (noun), aerosomes
Hypothetical airborne bodies believed at one time to be present in tropical climates: Aerosomes were thought to affect the adaption of Europeans or other foreigners to those areas in a difficult way.
(s) (noun), aerospaces
1. The Earth's atmosphere and outer space: Aerospace is the air surrounding the Earth and the universe beyond it.
2. Relating to the design, manufacture, and flight of vehicles or missiles that fly in and beyond the Earth's atmosphere: Aerospace is the company dealing with aircraft, missiles, spacecraft, rockets, and satellites.
aerospace engineering
(s) (noun), aerospace engineerings
The main branch of engineering pertaining to the design and construction of aircraft and space vehicles: Aerospace engineering is also concerned with power units, with the special problems of flight in both the Earth's atmosphere and in space, such as in the flight of air vehicles and the launching, guidance, and control of missiles, the Earth satellites, and space vehicles and probes.