aero-, aer-, aeri-
(Greek: air, mist, wind)
1. A person who loves aviation: Raymond's next-door neighbor was an aerophile who was a total fan of flying, and even had his own full-sized glider!
2. A plant pollinated by wind: Martin had a lovely garden which had lots of aerophiles that were all fertilized by airborne pollen.
3. The name of a French company that has tethered helium bags which can float in the air: The Aerophile company has balloons each of which is restrained by a cable attached to the ground or a vehicle so they cannot float freely and they operate as tourist attractions around the world.
2. A plant pollinated by wind: Martin had a lovely garden which had lots of aerophiles that were all fertilized by airborne pollen.
3. The name of a French company that has tethered helium bags which can float in the air: The Aerophile company has balloons each of which is restrained by a cable attached to the ground or a vehicle so they cannot float freely and they operate as tourist attractions around the world.
aerophilic (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to the necessity of air for proper growth; aerobic: Aerophilic microorganisms flourish best in the proximity of molecular oxygen.
aerophilous (adjective), more aerophilous, most aerophilous
A reference to plants which are pollinated by the wind or fertilized by airborne pollen: Aerophilous plants can grow very well in exposed windy habitats because the environment is full of oxygen!
A plant which thrives in exposed windy habitats: Flowers of some trees or bushes are aerophilies and are pollinated by wind or fertilized by airborne pollen.
Anyone who has an abnormal fear of drafts or contaminated air: Susan's sister was an aerophobe who always had her windows and doors shut because she was afraid of diseases entering by the way of a breeze coming into her home!
An excessive horror of wind, air, or an intensive hatred of drafts, as in cases of hysteria or other nervous ailments: There are times when aerophobia is used to identify a person who is abnormally afraid of being in an aircraft when it is flying from place to place.
A musical instrument (as a trumpet or flute) in which the sound is generated by a vibrating column or eddy of air: Harry was a musician who played an aerophone in the brass section of the orchestra.
An aerating outgrowth or pneumatophore: Mangroves, for example, are aerophoras in that have a partly open or exposed root system that functions especially in taking in oxygen from the atmosphere.
1. An apparatus to supply oxygen to a person in an environment that lacks air; a device to aid breathing: An aerophore is necessary for supplying air to workers in mines with certain toxic fumes, or for supplying oxygen to divers in deep water.
2. A portable apparatus containing compressed air used to resuscitate newborn babies who fail to breathe at birth: Janet's baby had to be attached to an aerophonre so that breathing could be successfully assured.
2. A portable apparatus containing compressed air used to resuscitate newborn babies who fail to breathe at birth: Janet's baby had to be attached to an aerophonre so that breathing could be successfully assured.
The physics of the Earth's atmosphere: Aerophysics is the branch of physics concerned with the effects upon the atmosphere by guided missiles, rockets, space vehicles, etc. flying at a high velocity in high altitudes.
A species of plant that is attached to the aerial or outer surface of another plant: An aerophyte lives on the surface of other plants and has no direct contact with the earth or water.
Aerophytes get their moisture and nutrients from the air or from small pools of water that exist on the host plant after a rain.
Treatment of a disease or an illness with compressed air; barotherapy: Aeropiesotherapy is an old-fashioned term for the medical aid or care of an ailment or disorder using rarefied air.
A heavier-than-air aircraft with rigid or unmovable wings: An airplane is a powered vehicle that weighs more than air, usually is operated by a pilot and a co-pilot, can transport only a few passengers or up to 300 passengers, or just freight.
An organism or a substance that is carried by air; aerial plankton: Aeroplankton, such as bacteria, pollen grain, etc., are suspended freely in the air and are dispersed by wind currents.
Aeroplankton is a collective name for all forms of minute or tiny organic life drifting in the air. It is also an equivalent of oceanic plankton.
A recording of changes in a body volume which includes the measurements of respiratory capacities: Dr. Smith looked at the results shown in the aeroplethysmograph after the volume in Janet's lungs was tested with the spirometer.

Cross references of word groups that are related, directly or indirectly, to: "air, wind": aello-; aeolo-; anemo-; atmo-; austro-; flat-, flatu-; phys-; pneo-, -pnea; pneumato-; turb-; vent-; zephyro-.