aero-, aer-, aeri-
(Greek: air, mist, wind)
Any automatic recording instrument for atmospheric measurement that is carried in the air by an aircraft: An aerograph is a self-recording device used in high altitudes to obtain meteorological data.
One who writes reports about atmospheric conditions: Tom's mother was an aerographer, a specialist in atmospheric conditions, and was involved in the weather charts.
aerographic (adjective), more aerographic, most aerographic
A reference to a description of the atmosphere: Part of Jim's job was to write aerographic reports on the current weather conditions and forecasts for future climate changes.
The branch of meteorology that deals with atmospheric conditions: Aerographics is concerned with aerial mapping and for imaging technologies to meet demanding schedules and budgets of aircraft.
In physical geography, the depiction or written report of the character of the atmosphere in the upper levels: Aerogrophy is a part of meteorology that describes the conditions of the atmosphere which can be very useful for aircraft.
The use of air and water for therapeutic purposes: Aerohydrotherapy uses varying temperatures to treat disorders of the bodily limbs.
Aerohydrotherapy is the treatment of a disease with using the application of both air and water at various temperatures and by different methods,
aerohygrophilous (adjective) (not comparable)
In botany, relating to aerial and hydrophilous vegetation: In her botany class, Sandy learned all about aerohygrophilous plants which were acclimatized for thriving in a high atmospheric humidity being moist or even wet.
Any creature which is not tolerant of high atmospheric humidity: Mark learned that some animals cannot exist in a moist or wet atmosphere.
Intolerance of high atmospheric humidity, such as certain plants: One example of aerohygrophobia concerns the flora of the tropics because they certainly cannot live in the Alps or in the Rocky Mountains!
aerohygrophobous (adjective), more aerohygrophobous. most aerohygrophobous
Concerning organisms that are intolerant of high atmospheric humidity: Cacti are certainly aerohygrophobous in that they have their habitats in deserts and in other very dry regions.
The condition whereby there is intolerance of any high atmospheric humidity: Mr. Grenn told his students about aerohygrophby and how it affects certain plants and animals that are not able to survive in such environments which are very damp or wet.
The electrical charging of particulate matter in the air: Aeroionization is said to be of therapeutic use by inhalation.
Treatment of respiratory conditions by the inhalation of ionized air with altered electrical charges: There are two kinds of aeroionotherapy of which one is natural and the other one is artificial.
A stony meteorite: An aerolite is a hard metallic mass or substance that has dropped to the Earth's surface from outer space and consists of silicate minerals.
aerolitic (adjective), more aerolitic, most aerolitic
Regarding a meteorite that is composed of silicate minerals: Jane thought she found an aerolitic rock which she took to show her biology teacher.

Cross references of word groups that are related, directly or indirectly, to: "air, wind": aello-; aeolo-; anemo-; atmo-; austro-; flat-, flatu-; phys-; pneo-, -pnea; pneumato-; turb-; vent-; zephyro-.