aero-, aer-, aeri-
(Greek: air, mist, wind)
aerasthenia, aeroneurosis, aviators' neurasthenia (s) (noun); aerasthenias; aeroneuroses; aviators' neurasthenias (pl)
A neurosis seen in aviators consisting of anxiety, restlessness, and variable physical complaints that appear while flying: Aerasthenia is a nervous disorder of airplane pilots caused by the tension of excessive flying and characterized by abdominal pains, digestive disturbances like the aviators' stomach, exhaustion, fearfulness, and air neurosis.
aerate (verb), aerates; aerated; aerating
1. To expose a substance to air or another gas: Air can aerate a liquid substance, or air can aerate the soil when digging into the ground and turning over parts of it.
2. To provide oxygen by the procedure of respiration: Blood is aerated by oxygen in an individual's body.
3. To change or treat with air or a gas: To make soda or carbonated water, it is aerated with gas.
2. To provide oxygen by the procedure of respiration: Blood is aerated by oxygen in an individual's body.
3. To change or treat with air or a gas: To make soda or carbonated water, it is aerated with gas.
aerated (adjective), more aerated, most aerated
Related to a supply of air, especially, by bubbling air through a solution: The aerated water tasted better than water without being carbonated!
1. The process of exposing to air: Janet hung out her blouse for aeration in order to get rid of some of the cigarette smoke from the evening before.
2. The charging of a liquid with air or other gas: Aeration takes place by the oxygenation of blood in the bronchial alveoli.
3. The act of charging a liquid with a gas making it effervesce: Jack wanted to have his water bubbly, so he used the process of aeration to achieve this purpose.
2. The charging of a liquid with air or other gas: Aeration takes place by the oxygenation of blood in the bronchial alveoli.
3. The act of charging a liquid with a gas making it effervesce: Jack wanted to have his water bubbly, so he used the process of aeration to achieve this purpose.
1. A device used to mix or combine air with a substance or medium: An aerator is used to expose soil or even sewage to air.
An aerator is used to charge mineral water with gas to produce soda water.
2. Specifically, a device installed in a faucet or shower head to add air to the water flow: An aerator serves the purpose of maintaining an effective spray while reducing overall water consumption.
aerenchyma (noun) (no pl)
A spongy tissue with large air spaces found between the cells of the stems and leaves of aquatic plants: Aerenchyma forms spaces or air channels in the leaves, stems, and roots of some plants which allows an exchange of gases between the shoots and the roots.
aerial (adjective), more aerial, most aerial
1. A reference to something that involves aircraft: The invading country made uncountable aerial attacks on buildings and on the civilians.
2. Relating to something that lives, happens, or moves in the air: From their spot on the shore, Jill and Mark watched the seagulls swirling around like in an aerial presentation for the tourists!.
3. Consisting of, typical of, or relating to the air: Jane was interested in taking some aerial photos and videos of her town for her next oral assignment in her class at school.
4. Regarding the part of a plant thriving above ground: Mr. Thompson showed his students some plants that had aerial roots which were not growing in the ground, but in the air above the soil.
2. Relating to something that lives, happens, or moves in the air: From their spot on the shore, Jill and Mark watched the seagulls swirling around like in an aerial presentation for the tourists!.
3. Consisting of, typical of, or relating to the air: Jane was interested in taking some aerial photos and videos of her town for her next oral assignment in her class at school.
4. Regarding the part of a plant thriving above ground: Mr. Thompson showed his students some plants that had aerial roots which were not growing in the ground, but in the air above the soil.
A root that develops from a location or a plant above the surface of the earth or water, as from a stem: Some orchids, for example, have aerial roots that grow from their stems and absorb water directly from the air, and mangrove trees are noted for having aerial roots, too.
An acrobat or someone who skillfully performs gymnastic feats or other actions that involve agility and balance on a trapeze or a tightrope: Ted was the youngest of a family of famed aerialists who have successfully performed together for years.

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aeriferous (adjective), more aeriferous, most aeriferous
Referring to something that conveys air; air-conveying: Oxygen is transported by the aeriferous respiratory passages, like the trachea and bronchial tubes in air-breathing vertebrates.
Exposure to or filling with air; aeration: Jill's father showed her the method of aerification of the soil in their garden in order to have the best results with growing vegetables for their meals.
aerify (verb), aerifies; aerified; aerifying
1. To convert into vapor: Mary asked, "Can water be aerified because it does vaporize when heated, doesn't it?"
2. To mix with air: Milk can be aerified in order to remove or get rid of odors.
2. To mix with air: Milk can be aerified in order to remove or get rid of odors.
The study of sound transmission through the air, especially in terms of the effects of environmental noise from machines, vehicles, aircraft, etc.: The planning of a new airport near the city involved a comprehensive aeroacoustics to determine the impact of the sounds of the aircraft on living conditions for people who lived in the area.
Any airborne substance that will cause the symptoms of an allergy: Pollen, smoke, fungi, or some perfumes are considered to be aeroallergens.
A partial collapse of the lungs: An aeroatelectasis is a reversible, airless state of lung tissue that is only partly affected and most likely to occur in pilots exposed to high G forces, breathing 100% oxygen, and wearing an anti-G suit.
An aeroaterlectasis can also be an abnormal distension and, usually, lengthening of an artery.

Cross references of word groups that are related, directly or indirectly, to: "air, wind": aello-; aeolo-; anemo-; atmo-; austro-; flat-, flatu-; phys-; pneo-, -pnea; pneumato-; turb-; vent-; zephyro-.