adeno-, aden-, adeni-
(Greek: gland or glands, glandular [from “acorn”])
heteradenic (adjective), more heteradenic, most heteradenic
A reference to a glandular structure, but occurring in a part normally devoid of glands: In her seminar, Amanda learned that glands were abnormally located in heradnic tissues, and not always in the areas where they normally existed.
hidradenitis, hidroadenitis, hydradenitis (s) (noun); hidradenitides; hidroadenitides; hydradenitides (pl)
Inflammation of the sweat glands: Meg's skin hurt her and her dermatologist noticed that the glands responsible for persperation were infected and termed her condition as being a case of hidradenitis .
Any skin condition occurring with associated abnormal sweating: Valerie's dermatologist explained to her that she had a case of hidroa indicated by little skin blisters that could have been caused by an excess of perspiration.
Glandular enlargement: Hyperadenosis can especially be detected in the lymphatic glands as in the Hodgkin's disease.
Any deficiency in the function of a glandular organ or tissue: The outdated term hypoadenia refers to the functional inadequacy of the activity of the glands in an organ or in the tissues of a person's body.
Inflammation of a lymph node or lymph nodes: Lymphadenitis is a swelling of the lymph nodes and is frequently an indication of an infection, sometimes its origin is not known and is benign.
lymphadenoid (adjective) (not comparable)
Relating to, or resembling, or derived from a lymph node: Lymphadenoid tissue can be exemplified by the tonsils, bone marrow, and the spleen.
An enlarged lymph node: A lymphadenoma can be described as Hodgkin's disease or as a pseudo-leucemia.
Any disease process affecting a lymph node or lymph nodes: The lymphadenopathy is an indication of an unclear or general benign infection.
A pituitary adenoma larger than ten mm in diameter: Macoadenomas, arising in the pituitary gland, are tumors that can be divided into three groups: benign adenomas, invasive adenomas, and carcinomas.
Inflammation of the axillary glands: The obsolete term maschaladenitis refers to a soreness and swelling of the armpit lymph nodes.
An adenoma of the breast: Adenoma is a benign tumor with cells arranged in patterns similar to those of a gland.
A pituitary adenoma less than 10 mm in diameter: A microadenoma is a tiny adenoma which is thought to be connected with hypersecretion syndromes.
Adenoma of the kidney: Dr. Williams diagnosed Jim with a case of nephradenoma, which was a benign glanular tumor in one of his kidneys.
Inflammation of the tissues adjacent to a gland: Dr. Smith diagnosed Mary with a condition of paradenitis involving a swelling, redness, and soreness around one of her lymphatic glands.