sacr-, sacro-
(Latin: divine, holy; religious; spiritual; heavenly)
sacroccygeal (adjective) (no comparatives)
Concerning the triangular bone at the base of the spine and the coccyx or lower end of the vertebral column: After his fall, Hardy had a large bruise on the sacroccygeal area of his back.
The triangular-shaped bone and the coccyx or last bone of the spinal column regarded as one bone: Mike's fractured sacrococcyx required surgery before he was released from the hospital.
A painful condition of the triangular-shaped pelvic bone and the coccyx: When Al stepped outside, he slipped and fell on the ice and suffered a serious sacrocoxalgia in his back.
sacrocoxitis (noun) (no plural)
Arthritis inflammation of the triangular-shaped pelvic bone and the coccyx joint formed between the lower part of the back where they meet: Mr. Zeus found that hot compresses relieved some of the pain of the sacrocoxitis that he was experiencing and he often took pain killers to relieve his suffering.
Pain in the area of the back overlying the tailbone: Manfred found it difficult to sleep because the sacrodynia in his lower back caused so much acute discomfort.
The part of the skeletal system that includes the bones of the pelvic area and their associated ligaments: Wearing a special brace for his sacroiliac provided some comfort for Tommy when he was walking.
Arthritic inflammation of the joints of the bones of the lower pelvic or hip area: Aunt Martha's sacroiliitis was especially painful in the morning when she got up out of bed.
sacrolumbar (adjective) (not comprable)
Relating to the lower back area including the broad pelvic bone structure and associated nerves: The neurosurgeon explained to Stephen that the sacrolumbar operation for his back should make it possible for him to feel better.
sacroposterior (adjective), more sacroposterior, most sacroposterior
Relating to the position of the lower pelvic area of the fetus in relation to back of the mother: When her fetus shifted into a sacroposterior position, Heddi felt very uncomfortable.
sacrosanct (adjective), more sacrosanct, most sacrosanct
1. Too important and respected to be changed, criticized, or tampered with: The army general's sacrosanct order was not challenged.
2. Consecrated, divine, and being of religious significance: The burial grounds behind the church were considered to be sacrosanct.
2. Consecrated, divine, and being of religious significance: The burial grounds behind the church were considered to be sacrosanct.
The sacrosanct symbol of the Christian cross has existed for centuries.
1. That which is protected or most holy, inviolate, protected: Mike's supervisor emphasized the sacrosanctity of scheduled time off from the job in order to prevent professional burnout.
2. Treated as if holy or immune from criticism or violation: The elderly poet was treated with a sacrosanctity by her fellow poets who praised her for her creative talents.
2. Treated as if holy or immune from criticism or violation: The elderly poet was treated with a sacrosanctity by her fellow poets who praised her for her creative talents.
sacrosciatic (adjective), more sacrosciatic, most sacrosciatic
Pertaining to the lower pelvic bone structure, ligaments, and hip bone: Leonarda was anticipating relief from her sacrosciatic discomfort as the result of her surgery and follow up physiotherapy treatments.
Surgical excision, or operation, of the lower part of the pelvic bone structure: Arthur's sacrotomy was scheduled early the next morning in order to accommodate the schedule of the visiting orthopedic surgeon who was expected to greatly improve his condition.
sacrovertebral (adjective), more sacrovertebral, most sacrovertebral
Referring to that part of the vertebral column immediately anterior to it or in front of it: As part of their written anatomy examination, the students were asked to compare and to contrast the sacrovertebral structures of males and females.
1. The large heavy bone at the base of the spine, which is made up of the fused vertebrae: During her anatomy class, Heather was asked to locate the sacrum of the skeleton as part of the examination.
2. Etymology: "bone at the base of the spine", from Late Latin os sacrum, "sacred bone"; from Latin os, "bone" + sacrum, neuter of sacer, "sacred".
2. Etymology: "bone at the base of the spine", from Late Latin os sacrum, "sacred bone"; from Latin os, "bone" + sacrum, neuter of sacer, "sacred".
Said to be called a sacrum because this bone was the part of animals that was offered more often in sacrifices; a translation of Greek hieron osteon (use of the bone in sacrificial ceremonies).
The sacrum is located in the vertebral column, between the lumbar vertebrae (largest segments of the movable part of the vertebral column) and the coccyx (lower end of the vertebral column). It is roughly triangular in shape and makes up the back wall of the pelvis.
The female sacrum is normally wider and less curved than that of the male.