pneumo-, pneum-, pneumono-, pneumon-

(Greek: lung; breath, breathe)

hydropneumatic (adjective) (not comparable)
Regarding something operated by both water and air power: Hydropneumatic methods connect the benefits of two technological principles, the hydraulic system and the pneumatic system.
hydropneumatosis (s) (noun) (no pl)
A condition characterized by the presence of fluid and gas within a tissue: Dr. Little diagnosed Peter as having a case of hydropneumatosis, which was a combination of emphysema and edema, an accumulation of gas and liquid in his body tissues.
Gangrene in the lung.
An inflammation of the lungs, or of some part of the thorax, attended with acute fever and difficult respiration.
1. The soul or vital spirit; the creative force of a person.
2. In theology, the Spirit of God; the Holy Ghost.
3. The life-giving principle.

According to the school of medicine in ancient Alexandria, life was associated with a vapor called the pneuma.

The belief in pneuma was called pneumatism. In hindsight, pneumatism was an early attempt to explain respiration, or breathing; which is, indeed, the "life-giving principle".

4. Etymology: from Greek pneuma, "breath, wind, air" or "that which is breathed" or "blown"; from pnein, "to blow"; which is considered to be from an imitative origin.
pneumancy (s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination by interpreting air, wind, by using the lungs: Pneumancy involves blowing, especially by blowing out a candle to foretell the future..

Pneumancy exists today in the act of blowing out the candles on a birthday cake and wishing for something!

pneumarthrogram (s) (noun), pneumarthrogram (pl)
Film records of the radiographic examinations of a joint following the introduction of air, with or without another contrast medium: The X-ray technician was an expert at explaining the complexities to Owen of the pneumarthrograms which revealed the extent of the injuries to his foot.
pneumarthrography, pneumoarthrography (s) (noun); pneumarthrographies, pneumoarthrographies (pl)
An X-ray or radiographic examination of a bone connection following the introduction of air: Henderson had a 9 a.m. appointment at the sports-medicine clinic for an extensive pneumarthrography to check up on his old knee injury.
pneumarthrosis (s) (noun), pneumarthroses
The presence of gas or air in an articulating or moving joint, possibly infused for medical purposes: Part of the preparation for the X-ray for Hamilton was to create a pneumarthrosis, a condition in which air would be sent into the connecting link of his knee.
pneumatolysis (s) (noun), pneumatolyses (pl)
In geology, a process in which minerals and ores are formed by hot vapors under pressure: In her geology book, Meg read about pneumatolysis whereby rocks and minerals changed their characteristics by the action of gases released from solidifying igneous rocks.

Word units related to breath and breathe: hal-; pneo-; pneumato-; psych-; spiro.