(Latin: full of, abounding in, having the qualities of, characteristic of something)
grandiose (adjective), more grandiose, most grandiose
1. Relating to the intention of looking very impressive, but really appearing as silly: The actor had the most grandiose ideas about his appearance and acting ability.
2. A reference to greatness by trying to achieve something important or difficult, but not sufficiently practical to be successful: The grandiose building was constructed to look like a decorative art style of architecture but it proved to be too ornate to be admired by most people.
2. A reference to greatness by trying to achieve something important or difficult, but not sufficiently practical to be successful: The grandiose building was constructed to look like a decorative art style of architecture but it proved to be too ornate to be admired by most people.
1. Consisting of small grains or particles.
2. Appearing to consist of or to be covered in small grains or particles.
jocose (adjective), more jocose, most jocose
1. Characterized by jokes and good humor: Peter often covered his embarrassment by indulging in jocose comments.
2. With a playful joking disposition: Sam’s jocose personality was always welcome at the local golf club.
3. Humorous, playfully humorous in style: The famous comedy about two newly married couples often employed jocose ribaldry to supplement the silly plot.
4. Etymology: from Latin iocosus, "full of jesting, joking"; from iocus, "pastime, sport; a jest, a joke". It implies ponderous humor.
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2. With a playful joking disposition: Sam’s jocose personality was always welcome at the local golf club.
3. Humorous, playfully humorous in style: The famous comedy about two newly married couples often employed jocose ribaldry to supplement the silly plot.
4. Etymology: from Latin iocosus, "full of jesting, joking"; from iocus, "pastime, sport; a jest, a joke". It implies ponderous humor.

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lachrymose (adjective), more lachrymose, most lachrymose
A reference to a tendency to cause tears; mournful: Sara couldn't keep from weeping during the lachrymose drama; especially, when the hero died of his wounds at the end of the play.
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Consuelo's little lachrymose baby girl was crying quite often because she was so sick and feeling miserable .

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1. A sugar found in milk that breaks down into glucose and galactose and creates lactic acid through fermentation.
2. A white crystalline form of lactose extracted from whey and used commercially in food products and pharmaceuticals.
2. A white crystalline form of lactose extracted from whey and used commercially in food products and pharmaceuticals.
1. Scurfy or scaly; leprous.
2. Rough to the touch; covered with scales or scurf.
2. Rough to the touch; covered with scales or scurf.
The d-isomer (also referred to as fruit sugar, levoglucose, levulose, and d-arabino-2-hexulose) is a 2-ketohexose that is physiologically the most important of the ketohexoses and one of the two products of sucrose hydrolysis; it is metabolized or converted to glycogen in the absence of insulin; fructose.
1. A simple sugar found in honey and in many ripe fruits.
2. A sirupy variety of sugar, rarely obtained crystallized, occurring widely in honey, ripe fruits, etc, and hence also called fruit sugar.
2. A sirupy variety of sugar, rarely obtained crystallized, occurring widely in honey, ripe fruits, etc, and hence also called fruit sugar.
It is called levulose, because it rotates the plane of polarization to the left.
It is obtained, together with an equal quantity of dextrose, by the inversion of ordinary cane or beet sugar, and hence, as being an ingredient of invert sugar, is often so called. It is fermentable, nearly as sweet as cane sugar, and is metameric with dextrose.
lutose (adjective), more lutose, most lutose
Descriptive of an organism covered with a powdery substance resembling dirt or mud: There are some living lutose creaturess, like insects, that like to have a miry outer coating at times. .
In a state of stupor; insensibility, numbness, or dullness.
1. Resembling a cloud or mist; inclined to be foggy or misty.
2. Cloudy, misty, indistinct.
3. Clouded; cloud-like in appearance.
2. Cloudy, misty, indistinct.
3. Clouded; cloud-like in appearance.
To cause necrosis or to become the site of necrosis.