mer-, mero-, meri-, -mer, -merous, -mere, -meric, -meristic +

(Greek: part, partial, referring to parts; segment; incomplete)

A description of a lake that is permanently stratified due to the presence of a density gradient (pycnocline) resulting from chemical stratification.
meromictic lake
A stratified lake that does not undergo a complete mixing of its water during periods of circulation; especially, a lake in which the noncirculating bottom layer does not mix with the circulating upper layer.
The partial regeneration of a lost body part.
Fragments of myosin (protein in muscle) formed by trypsin digestion (pancreatic enzyme that digests proteins).
1. The normal degeneration and death of living cells; a normal mechanism in the constant turnover of many cell populations.
2. Dermatosis characterized by patchy degeneration of the elastic and connective tissue of the skin with degenerated collagen occurring in irregular patches, especially in the dermis.
1. The partial death of cells in a tissue or organ caused by disease or injury.
2. Death of cells or tissues through injury or disease, especially in a localized area, or part, of the body.
meronekon (s) (noun), meronekons (pl)
A partial swimmer or one that passes only part of its life-cycle swimming: Some water creatures are meronekons because they don't spend their whole life swimming in water.
1. A word that refers to a part of what another word refers to; such as, in the relationship between leg and ankle, "ankle" is a meronym; in the relationship between brim and hat, "brim" is a meronym; and "finger" is a meronym of hand because a finger is part of a hand; and "sleeve" and "cuff" are meronyms of shirt.
2. A term midway between two opposites; for example, "flat" between convex and concave; as well as, "present" between past and future.
A partial or facultative (adapting to different conditions) parasite that can survive in the absence of the host.
meropelagic (adjective) (not comparable)
Concerning living things that are only short-term members of the pelagic groups: The larval stages of certain benthic marine organisms are considered to be meropelagic due to being only temporary members of the marine community.
Loss of sight in one or more meridians of the visual field.
meroplankton (s) (noun), meroplankton; meroplanktons (pl)
Plant or animal larvae or eggs of organisms in marine coastal areas that spend only part of their life cycle as plankton, and being nekton or benthic dwellers at another time: Meroplankton pass only part of their course of developmental changes drifting or swimming weakly in water, such as the larvae of sea urchins, starfish, crustaceans, worms, and clams.
Rachischisis (congenital defect in which a vertebra is malformed) limited to a short segment, or part, of the spinal cord.
Fissure of a portion of the spinal cord.
1. A condition in which the perception of certain odors is lacking; analogous to color blindness.
2. A partial anosmia, with certain odors not being perceived.
3. A disturbance of olfaction in which the patient claims to be able to smell some odors but not others.