(Latin: a suffix; a person who, a place where, a thing which, or pertaining to; connected with; having the character of; apparatus)
The following examples of this suffix represent a very small number of those that exist in other parts of this lexicon.
2. A set of small beads used primarily by Roman Catholics for counting a series of prayers.
2. Not very developed or advanced: Marina's rudimentary knowledge and experience with computer programs limited her ability to achieve very much with her web site.
3. Primitive: The villagers in the remote jungle were engaged in a rudimentary dance to celebrate the change of the seasons.

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2. A fixed annual sum, paid at regular intervals, usually monthly or weekly, to an employee; especially, for professional or clerical work.
3. Etymology: from Anglo-French salarie, Old French salarie, from Latin salarium, "salary, stipend"; originally, "a soldier's allowance for buying salt" that was a valued commodity over which many wars were fought; from Latin salarius, "pertaining to salt"; from sal, salis, "salt".
2. Of or relating to a salivary gland.
3. Relating to saliva or the glands that secrete it; especially, producing or carrying saliva.
4. Pertaining to or existing in the saliva or salivary glands.
The salivary glands produce saliva, which keeps the mouth and other parts of the digestive system moist. It also helps break down carbohydrates (with salivary amylase, formerly known as ptyalin) and lubricates the passage of food down from the oro-pharynx to the esophagus to the stomach.
There are three main pairs of salivary glands: the parotid, the submandibular and the sublingual glands. There are also many small glands in the tongue, cheeks, lips and palate, all of which consist entirely of mucous secreting cells.
- Official permission or approval for a course of action; such as, unable to proceed without the sanction of the board.
- Something that serves as approval or encouragement; for example, social acceptance or custom.
- A law or rule that leads to a penalty being imposed when it is disobeyed.
- A punishment imposed as a result of breaking a law or rule.
- A measure taken by one or more nations to apply pressure on another nation to conform to international law or opinion; such as, imposed trade sanctions.
- An ethical principle or consideration that determines or influences someone's conduct.
2. An area of land or a building specified for wild animals or plants where they are protected from hunting or maltreatment and encouraged to breed or to grow: Judy loved to go to the bird sanctuary close to her home where she could listen to and view all the different kinds of birds where they were safeguarded from danger and pollution.
3. Etymology or origin: from Latin sanctimonia, "sacredness" from sanctus, "holy."

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2. Accompanied by bloodshed: There was a sanguinary boxing match which was very violent.

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3. Eager for bloodshed; bloodthirsty: There were sanguinary attacks on cattle by vampire bats that were gorging for the red fluid in the veins of the cows and bulls.

2. Not as important or valuable as something else: "That new problem is secondary to the one now facing the students."
"Jayne's health is the most important consideration while the cost of the treatment is of secondary importance."
"Jodie was working at an extra job as a secondary source of income."
"Elma wants another car that's reliable, the color is of secondary consideration."
2. In the United States, an official who advises the President in various fields and who is selected by the President and is in charge of a particular department of the government; such as, Attorney General, Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Education, Secretary of Energy, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Secretary of Labor, Secretary of State, Secretary of Interior, Secretary of Treasury, Secretary of Transportation, and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs. Is anyone missing?
3. Etymology: "a person entrusted with secrets", from Medieval Latin secretarius, "clerk, notary, confidential officer, confidant"; from Latin secretum, "a secret".
The meaning, "a person who keeps records, writes letters, etc."; originally, for a king, was first recorded in about 1400.
2. Accustomed or addicted to sitting still; not in the habit of taking physical exercise: The unhealthy conditions of some of the employees were caused by the sedentary lifestyles of their jobs and so the company made efforts to have the workers take breaks and to participate in their newly established fitness center.
3. Inhabiting the same region through life; not migratory: There are many forms of life which are naturally sedentary or confined to one spot during their existence and are not locomotory or moving around; such as, sea corals, oysters, and all kinds of plants.