-ant, -ants
(Latin: a suffix; a person who, the thing which; people who, things which)
1. Stylishly graceful, and showing sophistication and good taste in appearance or behavior.
2. Satisfyingly and often ingeniously neat, simple, or concise.
3. Etymology: via French élégant, from Latin elegantem, elegans, “choice”; ultimately from, eligire, “to pick out, to select with care, to choose” (a source of English "elect").
2. Satisfyingly and often ingeniously neat, simple, or concise.
3. Etymology: via French élégant, from Latin elegantem, elegans, “choice”; ultimately from, eligire, “to pick out, to select with care, to choose” (a source of English "elect").
Someone who leaves his or her native country to go and to live in another area of the world.
errant (adjective), more errant, most errant
1. Relating to a deviation from a regular or a proper course; straying: Fortunately the mother saw her errant child leaving through what was supposed to be a locked gate and wandering over to the neighbor's yard before he went too far away.
2. Characterized by behaving improperly: Teresa's errant husband finally arrived home after having consumed too much alcohol at the local bar.
3. Pertaining to a journeying or traveling in quest of an adventure: Ralph was considered to be an errant traveler who spent his summer vacations hiking in a different national park every year.
4. A reference to an aimless or a lightly changing manner: The errant breeze was blowing in the area.

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2. Characterized by behaving improperly: Teresa's errant husband finally arrived home after having consumed too much alcohol at the local bar.
3. Pertaining to a journeying or traveling in quest of an adventure: Ralph was considered to be an errant traveler who spent his summer vacations hiking in a different national park every year.
4. A reference to an aimless or a lightly changing manner: The errant breeze was blowing in the area.

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A drug that tends to produce euphoria.
1. A reference to emptying; evacuative; purgative; cathartic.
2. Medicine which tends to empty an organ or passage.
3. Evacuating; promoting thorough evacuation; an evacuant medicine or agent; especially, from the bowels; being cathartic; purgative.
2. Medicine which tends to empty an organ or passage.
3. Evacuating; promoting thorough evacuation; an evacuant medicine or agent; especially, from the bowels; being cathartic; purgative.
1. That which exhales; exhaling.
2. Exhalant artery or vessel, that which transfuses or conveys (blood, etc.) in minute quantities.
2. Exhalant artery or vessel, that which transfuses or conveys (blood, etc.) in minute quantities.
exorbitant (adjective), more exorbitant, most exorbitant
1. Relating to something that costs too much in terms of price and value; characteristic of exceeding proper limits; extravagant; excessive or unduly high: The university students complained that the tuition fees were being increased to exorbitant levels and that many of them could not make such payments.

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The exorbitant gas prices made some people quit driving their cars for awhile.
Exorbitant interest rates often decrease the number of buyers who really want to purchase houses.
2. Etymology: a legal term, "deviating from rule or principle, eccentric"; from Latin exorbitantem, exorbitans, exorbitare, "to deviate, to go out of the track", from ex-. "out of" + orbita, "wheel track".

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expectant (adjective)
extant (adjective); more extant, most extant
Relating to something that is still currently existing and not having disappeared: In her inheritance, Becky found some extant diaries and journals written by her grandfather dating back to 1888!

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Living in exile.
flagrant (FLAY gruhnt) (adjective), more flagrant, most flagrant
1. Shockingly noticeable or evident; obvious; glaring: Henry made a flagrant error in his presentation to the voters.
2. Notorious; scandalous: It was a flagrant crime committed by a flagrant offender who shot and killed so many people for no known reason.
3. Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible: The corrupt mayor demonstrated a flagrant disregard for the law when he participated in buying and using narcotics in public.

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2. Notorious; scandalous: It was a flagrant crime committed by a flagrant offender who shot and killed so many people for no known reason.
3. Conspicuously and outrageously bad or reprehensible: The corrupt mayor demonstrated a flagrant disregard for the law when he participated in buying and using narcotics in public.
The police accused Jerome of committing a flagrant violation of the law when he stole a woman's credit card and PIN from her purse while she was eating in a restaurant.
4. Etymology: from Latin flagrare, "to burn"; then "blazing, burning, or glowing"; related to fulgere, "to shine".

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flamboyant (adjective), more flamboyant, most flamboyant
1. Relating to something that is highly elaborate and ornate or decorated with complex patterns: The company did not permit their employees to wear flamboyant clothes at work.
2. Characteristic of being richly colored and resplendent or attractive and impressive: Flamingoes are considered to be very flamboyant birds with their mainly pink or scarlet feathers.
3. Pertaining to a pretentious display which is designed to impress or to attract notice: The flamboyant pianist performed on TV for quite awhile with an orchestra in an unusually skillful way and with special facial expressions.
4. Etymology: "flame-like curves", from French flamboyant, "flaming, wavy" from flamboyer, "to flame" from Old French flamboier, from flambe, "flame".

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2. Characteristic of being richly colored and resplendent or attractive and impressive: Flamingoes are considered to be very flamboyant birds with their mainly pink or scarlet feathers.
3. Pertaining to a pretentious display which is designed to impress or to attract notice: The flamboyant pianist performed on TV for quite awhile with an orchestra in an unusually skillful way and with special facial expressions.
4. Etymology: "flame-like curves", from French flamboyant, "flaming, wavy" from flamboyer, "to flame" from Old French flamboier, from flambe, "flame".

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fragrant (FRAY gruhnt) (adjective), more fragrant, most fragrant
A pleasant and usually sweet smell: The roses Sam gave to Madeline were exceptionally fragrant.