-ant, -ants
(Latin: a suffix; a person who, the thing which; people who, things which)
1. Something that is attached, or added to, something larger or more important.
2. A person, or thing, attached or added.
3. In law, a secondary document that is attached to the main body of a legal document; such as, a codicil altering the terms of a will.
2. A person, or thing, attached or added.
3. In law, a secondary document that is attached to the main body of a legal document; such as, a codicil altering the terms of a will.
arrogant (adjective), more arrogant, most arrogant
1. Characterized by feeling or showing conceit and contempt, or disregard, for others: The arrogant attorney was given a warning by the judge to take it easy when cross-examining the witness.
2. Pertaining to having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-admiration because a person believes that he or she is better, smarter, or more important than other people: Hank is the top student in the class, but he has an arrogant attitude when he criticizes his fellow class mates.

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2. Pertaining to having or displaying a sense of overbearing self-worth or self-admiration because a person believes that he or she is better, smarter, or more important than other people: Hank is the top student in the class, but he has an arrogant attitude when he criticizes his fellow class mates.
Lina is the highest rated student in her class; however, she is not arrogant about it!

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ascendant, ascendent (adjective); more ascendant, more ascendent; most ascendant, most ascendent
Being more powerful or gaining more power: The senator's popularity is no longer in the ascendant category.
asphyxiant (adjective), more asphyxiant, most asphyxiant
A reference to suffocation: The asphyxiant condition is usually caused by an obstruction in the throat or it can be result from being poisoned by chemical substances which hinder breathing and decreases the proper amount of oxygen in the blood stream.
assistant (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Relating to a person who has a job of helping someone to do something: Mark, as his mother's assistant supporter, always went with her when shopping in order to carry in the groceries.
2. Pertaining to an individual who is in a lower rank or position than others in a group, a business, an organization, etc.: Mona was an assistant editor for the local newspaper.
2. Pertaining to an individual who is in a lower rank or position than others in a group, a business, an organization, etc.: Mona was an assistant editor for the local newspaper.
One who helps, aides, or supports: The boss’s new assistants are really hard workers.
The doctors’ assistants at the hospital always seem to be available to succour whenever anyone calls.
1. A person who is present in a particular place.
2. Anyone who shows up at an activity, etc. 3. Escorts, followers, companions, servants, or associates: "The queen was always surrounded by her attendants."
2. Anyone who shows up at an activity, etc. 3. Escorts, followers, companions, servants, or associates: "The queen was always surrounded by her attendants."
attest (verb), attests; attested; attesting
1. To show, to substantiate, or to state that something exists and is true and valid: Bill's lawyer attested the validity of his father's will.
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The success of the medical operation attests the skill of Manfred's surgeon.
2. Etymology: from Latin attestari, literally, "to bear witness to"; from ad-, "to" + testari, "to bear witness"; from testis, "witness" and it is related to "testify" and "testimony".
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axillant (adjective), more axillant, most axillant
A reference to that which is forming or growing in an armpit: For some unknown reason, Shelly was feeling an axillant pain in her left armpit.
1. A priest, priestess, or inspired votary (devoted to a particular religion or devoted or passionately addicted to some particular pursuit) of Bacchus; hence, a drunken reveller, roysterer (now roisterer, a swaggering or noisy reveller).
2. Bacchus-worshipping, wine-loving.
2. Bacchus-worshipping, wine-loving.
Any material that is caustic or destructive of viable tissue.
An individual who declares ownership or possession of something: The judge listened carefully to the claimant who was urging the court to recognize her ownership of the lakeside property.
The prospector was the claimant to the land and its resources where gold was found.
Several workers were claimants of unemployment benefits when the business they worked for went broke.
Someone who is said to be able to perceive, or to see, things that are usually beyond the range of human senses: As a clairvoyant, Eve surprised most of her customers with her ability to explain what would happen if they made certain decisions.

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