(Latin: suffix; forming adjectives; inclined to, given to, tendency to be, abounding in)
multiloquacious (adjective), more multiloquacious, most multiloquacious
Regarding a person who talks very much; very talkative; loquacious: Frank's girlfriend was quite multiloquacious because she loved to chatter with anybody, even in different languages!
obstinacious (adjective), more obstinacious, most obstinacious
Referring to a stubborn behavior: LIttle Tommy's mother was getting quite upset at his obstinacious manner, especially when he was to pick up his toys.
omnivoracious (adjective), more omnivoracious, most omnivoracious
1. Excessively devouring or craving all kinds of food in great quantities: The wolf was so hungry and had an omnivoracious appetite for fresh meat.
2. Mentally striving to find and learn all existing forms of information beyond what is considered a normal acquisition: John had an omnivoracious desire for knowledge about everything, both past and present"
2. Mentally striving to find and learn all existing forms of information beyond what is considered a normal acquisition: John had an omnivoracious desire for knowledge about everything, both past and present"
perspicacious (adjective), more perspicacious, most perspicacious
1. Regarding a person who is penetratingly discerning, perceptive, or astute: Tony thought his mother was a perspicacious judge of character.
2. Concerning an individual who has the ability to notice and to understand things that are difficult or not obvious: Jack, the film critic, made some perspicacious observations about the movie.
2. Concerning an individual who has the ability to notice and to understand things that are difficult or not obvious: Jack, the film critic, made some perspicacious observations about the movie.
perspicaciously (adverb), more perspicaciously, most perspicaciously
1. Descriptive of how a person sees or understand clearly: While Mr. Black was explaining the details of using the computer, all the students perspicaciously listened and viewed what was shown on the magic board.
2. Concerning how a person can discern acutely or keenly: When the students were looking through the microscope, they perspicaciously observed the tiny details of the sample leaves.
2. Concerning how a person can discern acutely or keenly: When the students were looking through the microscope, they perspicaciously observed the tiny details of the sample leaves.
plumaceous (adjective), more plumaceous, most plumaceous
Referring to a feather-like structure: The plumaceous decoration on Sandy's hat resembling a pluma was quite spectacular with brilliant colors!
predaceous, predacious (adjective); more predaceous, more predacious; most predaceous, most predacious
1. A description of an animal that hunts, kills, and eats other warm-blooded creatures: Some examples of predaceous species are wolves, tigers, lions, and cats.
2. Relating to someone who attacks and steals ideas or material possessions from other people: Robbers and swindlers are just two types of predaceous persons who victimize others.
3. Etymology: from Latin praedari, "to plunder, to rob."

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2. Relating to someone who attacks and steals ideas or material possessions from other people: Robbers and swindlers are just two types of predaceous persons who victimize others.
3. Etymology: from Latin praedari, "to plunder, to rob."

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pugnacious (adjective), more pugnacious, most pugnacious
1. Conveying a quarrelsome or combative disposition; being belligerent: Susan was behaving in a pugnacious way when her mother asked her to do some household chores, like taking out the garbage.
3. Characterizing a person who is uncontrollable and who resorts to force or violence: Some pugnacious children in schools apparently don't know how to get along with each other and so they are often involved in threatening others or fighting on the playgrounds.

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Because of Tim's pugnacious attitude, he has a problem getting along with his fellow politicians and so he fails to achieve any of the objectives for which he was elected.
2. Relating to an eagerness to fight or to argue about issues instead of using calm discussions: The two sisters were quite pugnacious when they were young kids, often being unfriendly and controversial with each other.3. Characterizing a person who is uncontrollable and who resorts to force or violence: Some pugnacious children in schools apparently don't know how to get along with each other and so they are often involved in threatening others or fighting on the playgrounds.

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rapacious (adjective), more rapacious, most rapacious
1. Characterizing a person who takes something by force and plunders it: During the riots, rapacious looters stole merchandise stores by breaking their windows and doors.
2. Relating to someone or those who are ravenous or greedy: The children ate in a rapacious way by grabbing and filling their mouths full and eating voraciously.
3. A reference to an animal that lives by preying on other animals, especially by catching live prey: The rapacious wolves devoured the deer as quickly as they could.

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2. Relating to someone or those who are ravenous or greedy: The children ate in a rapacious way by grabbing and filling their mouths full and eating voraciously.
3. A reference to an animal that lives by preying on other animals, especially by catching live prey: The rapacious wolves devoured the deer as quickly as they could.

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sagacious (adjective), more sagacious, most sagacious
1. A reference to a person who shows sound judgment and keen perception; wise: Sam Jones chose the most sagacious, informed, and judicious lawyer in town to defend his case in court.
2. Pertaining to the ability to understand difficult ideas and situations and to make good decisions: The educational counselor gave the student sagacious advice about preparing to go to a university after graduating from his high school.
3. Descriptive of an individual having a profound knowledge and understanding of the world combined with intelligence and good judgment: To Timmy, grandpa seemed to be such a sagacious and insightful man being able to answer all of his questions about things going on around him.
4. Etymology or origin: from Latin sagax-, sagac-, "quick witted, wise."

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2. Pertaining to the ability to understand difficult ideas and situations and to make good decisions: The educational counselor gave the student sagacious advice about preparing to go to a university after graduating from his high school.
3. Descriptive of an individual having a profound knowledge and understanding of the world combined with intelligence and good judgment: To Timmy, grandpa seemed to be such a sagacious and insightful man being able to answer all of his questions about things going on around him.
4. Etymology or origin: from Latin sagax-, sagac-, "quick witted, wise."

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salacious (adjective), more salacious, most salacious
1. Referring to something which is meant to arouse people sexually: The explicit salacious content of the novel surprised Lynn and she thought it was too vulgar and lewd, so she threw it into the trash can.
3. Etymology: from Latin salax, salacis, "lustful"; probably originally "fond of leaping" as in a male animal leaping on a female, from salire, "to leap".
There are times when people must decide whether a book is a work of literature or if it is merely a salacious publication.
2. Relating to a certain kind of moral looseness, obscene reports and lewd tales.The Los Angeles Unified School District board fired an elementary school teacher just hours after he was formally charged with three felony counts of salacious acts upon a girl under the age of 14, a school spokesman said.3. Etymology: from Latin salax, salacis, "lustful"; probably originally "fond of leaping" as in a male animal leaping on a female, from salire, "to leap".
scribacious (adjective), more scribacious, most scribacious
Prone to excessive writing and in great quantities: Jane wanted to become an author, so she had lots of paper and pencils and turned out to be a scripacious writer of love stories that she produced very day!
sebacious, sebaceous (adjective) (not countable)
A holocrine gland in the skin that secretes sebum into hair follicles: Judy learned about the sebaceous gland and that it was important for the growth of hair on a person's body.
sequacious (si KWAY shuhs) (adjective), more sequacious, most sequacious
1. Relating to someone who completely follows another person's views without any attempt to be original or an independent thinker: Sequacious people tend to accept everything they see on the TV news without any doubts.

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If anyone reads articles in newspapers, or other publications, without ever questioning any of them; then he or she is just part of the sequacious population.
2. Etymology: from Latin sequax, sequac-, "pursuing" from sequi-, "to follow".

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soliloquacious (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to a person who talks or speaks to herself or himself: Jane was quite soliloquacious in the bathroom and was holding a monologue regardless of the rest of her family listening outside the bathroom door!
In Shakespeare's play "To be or not to be?", Hamlet held a solilquacious speech telling the audience what he was thinking.