gram-, -gram-, -gram, -grammatic, -grammatical, -grammatically, -gramme, -grammic +
(Greek: write, writing, something written, a written record, a recording; letters; words; later, a small weight, a unit of mass in the metric system)
A unit of weight in the metric system from 1797 gramme, borrowing of French gramme, from Late Latin gramma, "small weight"; from Greek gramma, "small weight"; originally, "something written"; from the stem of graphein, "to draw, to write".
1. A record in graph form produced by a tachograph.
2. In medicine, a graphic record of the movement and velocity of the blood current.
2. In medicine, a graphic record of the movement and velocity of the blood current.
An electrocardiogram recorded at a distance from the subject being tested: The telecardiogram utilizes a galvanometer in the laboratory that is being connected by a wire with the patient in another room.
A message sent by telegraph; a telegraphic dispatch or communication; literally, “written from a distance”.
An electrocardiogram recorded at a distance from the subject being tested; for example, the electrocardiogram obtained through telemetry, or, as with a galvanometer in the laboratory, being connected by a wire with the patient in another room.
1. A thermograph that is electrically recorded at a distance.
2, A self-registering telethermometer.
2, A self-registering telethermometer.
A word that has four letters.
A four-letter word; specifically, the Hebrew word written YHWH or JHVH, vocalized as YaHWeH or JeHoVaH; often signifying the Hebrew name for God which the Jews regarded as too holy to pronounce.
1. A regional temperature map of the surface of a part of the body, obtained by an infrared sensing device; it measures radiant heat, and thus subcutaneous blood flow, if the environment is constant.
2. A photograph or image produced by infra-red radiation emanating naturally from the subject under study.
2. A photograph or image produced by infra-red radiation emanating naturally from the subject under study.
A plot of the temperature as a function of pressure for a thermodynamic system.
The record produced by tonography (the recording of changes in intraocular pressure due to sustained pressure on the eyebal) in order to determine the facility of aqueous outflow in the eyes.
An inscription of three letters.
The printout of an impedance bridge showing the stiffness or the compliance of the middle-ear structures as it varies with changes in pressure within the external ear canal.
A record from a machine that sets type or casts lines of type and sets them.
ultirole programmable device
In robotics, a device with a programmable memory that can store data for positioning and sequencing the movements of a robot.
unipolar electrocardiogram
1. An electrocardiogram taken with the exploring electrode placed on the chest over the heart or upon a single limb, the indifferent ("zero" potential) electrode being the central terminal.
2. An electrocardiogram that shows the potential detected by a single electrode.
2. An electrocardiogram that shows the potential detected by a single electrode.
In practice, this is obtained by using an exploring electrode and a second electrode; such as, a central terminal that is assumed to have zero potential.
Related "writing" word units:
scrib-, script-.