biblio-, bibli-, bibl-, biblico-
(Greek: book, books)

Analysis of handwriting, documents, and books; especially, for authentication of authorship.
Someone who is a specialist in the analysis of handwriting, documents, and books; especially, for authentication of authorship.
Adherence to the Bible as the sole rule of faith.
1. Someone who makes the Bible the absolute rule of faith.
2. A biblical student or scholar.
2. A biblical student or scholar.
Someone who interprets the Bible as being literal (verbatim et literatim), exact, and undeviating from what is written there.
A writer of biographical sketches of the authors listed in a bibliography.
biobibliographical (adjective), more biobibliographical, most biobibliographical
Dealing with the life and writings of an author.
1. A bibliography containing biographical information about the author or authors.
2. A bibliography containing biographical sketches of listed authors.
2. A bibliography containing biographical sketches of listed authors.
gymnobiblical (adjective), more gymnobiblical, most gymnobiblical
A belief that the bare text of the Bible, without note or comment, may be safely presented to the unlearned as an adequate guide to religious truth: Martin Luther translated the New Testament into the German language believing it would be understood by all Germans, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, which certainly exemplifies gymnobiblism.
Those who believe that the Bible can be presented to unlearned readers without commentary or explanations of religious teachers: Roman Catholic doctrine maintains that religious truth comes from the teachings of church priests and nuns and not by gymnobiblists who believe that everyone can read the Scriptures or holy books without having theological guidance.
One who really likes books: Lynn had many shelves full of nice books, some of which were very old, and, as a philobiblian, she never wanted to give them away or get rid of them!
philobiblic (adjective), more philobiblic, most philobiblic
Descriptive of the fondness of books or devotion to literature; bibliophilic: Sally's philobiblic hobby led her to new friends who also had such philobiblic interests, and so they got together once a week to read and talk about the plots of their favourite books.
philobiblical (adjective), more philobiblical, most philobiblical
A reference to the devotion and the study of the Bible: Beth and Grace were very religious and wanted to learn more about the Bible, and so they had philobiblical get-togethers to read, to learn more, and to peruse the Bible stories.
The collection of books done by devoted book collectors: The local bookstore encouraged philobiblism, so the owners of the store always had the newest and most interesting books on sale for those who loved books.
Related book unit: libr-.