theo-, the-, -theism, -theist, -theistic

(Greek: God, god, deity, divinity, divine)

theologist (s) (noun), theologists (pl)
A person who studies religions.
theologize (verb), theologizes; theologized; theologizing
1. To give a godly or religious significance to something: "Albert and Samuel were engaged in discussions about theological reasonings and speculations."
2. To regard a topic or people in religious terms: "The minister of the church theologizes about social problems in his community and how they can be resolved with religious morals and principles."
theologoumenon (s) (noun), theologoumenons (pl)
1. An individual opinion about God or divinity, as distinguished from doctrine.
2. An epithet or way of speaking of God.
theologue, theolog (s) (noun), theologues, theologs (pl)
1. Someone who treats, or gives an account, of the gods.
2. A student of religions.
theology (s) (noun), theologies (pl)
1. The study of religion, especially the Christian faith and God’s relation to the world.
2. A religious theory, school of thought, or system of belief.
3. A course of specialized religious training, especially one intended to lead students to a vocation in the Christian Church.
4. A system of religious knowledge or beliefs.
Two men are studying the Bible and other books about God and the Christian church.

Two men are studying the Bible and other books related to God and various religious beliefs.

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theomach (s) (noun), theomachs (pl)
Someone who opposes divinity or who fights against God or the gods.
theomachist (s) (noun), theomachists (pl)
Someone who fights against God (or the gods) or resists God's divine will.
theomachy (s) (noun), theomachies (pl)
1. A striving or warring against God; opposition to the will of God.
2. A battle or strife among the gods; especially, in reference to that narrated in Homer’s Iliad.
theomancy (s) (noun), theomancies (pl)
A name given to that species of divination that was drawn from the responses of oracles: Theomancy was also a predictions using sibyls and supposed to be immediately inspired by some divinity.

Theomancy involved the mysteries of a divine majesty who sought the sacred names. The possessor of such a "science" knew the future, commanded nature, had full power over angels and demons, and could perform miracles by the answers of divinely inspired oracles.

theomania (s) (noun), theomanias (pl)
1. Delusion of being inspired by God.
2. A delusion that one is God.
3. A madness that is reputedly caused or inspired by God.
4. Religious insanity; especially that in which the patient thinks he or she is a deity or has divine inspiration to carry out some divine mission.
theomaniac (s) (noun), theomaniacs (pl)
A person who tends to lead religious cults often with destructive objectives.
theomantic (s) (noun), theomantics (pl)
A reference to divination, predictions, or prophecy by an oracle (a person through whom a deity speaks) or by people directly inspired by a god or gods.
theomastix (s) (noun)
The scourge of God or a punisher appointed by God: "When a deity or deities are upset with mankind, the result is a theomastix."

"Essentially, the theomastix is a synonym of a plague or a divinely constituted punishment of mortals; such as, the Biblical flood."

theometry (s) (noun), theometries (pl)
A measurement of or an estimation about who God really is.
theomicrist (s) (noun), theomicrists (pl)
1. Someone who makes fun of or who belittles God.
2. A person who mocks God or divinities.

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