duc-, -duce, -duct, -ducent, -ductor, -duction, -ductive, -ducer, -ducement, -ducation
(Latin: to lead, leading; bringing; to take; to draw along or out)
The introduction of something: such as, an addition over or above something already existing.
thermal conductance
The time rate of heat flow through a body (per unit area) from one of its bounding surfaces to the other for a unit temperature difference between the two surfaces, under steady conditions.
thermal conductivity
The ability of a system to conduct heat, usually measured in units of thermal conductance.
Tota educatio.
Total education.
Motto of Lenoir Community College, Kinston, North Carolina, USA.
traduce (verb), traduces; traduced; traducing
1. To speak evil of, especially falsely or maliciously; to defame, to malign, to vilify, to slander, or to misrepresent: The word traduce is one of a number of English synonyms which can be chosen when someone wants a word that means "to injure by speaking ill of".
2. To harm the reputation of someone through false and malicious statements: The newspaper columnist was obviously traducing, or defaming, the politician in her newspaper column.

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2. To harm the reputation of someone through false and malicious statements: The newspaper columnist was obviously traducing, or defaming, the politician in her newspaper column.
A jealous rival attempted to traduce the mayor's reputation with false allegations of corruption.
3. Etymology: "to alter, change over, transport"; from Latin traducere, "to change over, to convert"; originally "lead along or across, transfer"; from trans-, "across" + ducere, "to lead".The sense of "defame, slander" (1586) is from Latin traducere with the meaning of "to scorn" or "to disgrace"; probably from the notion of "to lead along as a spectacle".

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Someone who attacks the reputation of another by slander or libel; in other words: a defamer, a slanderer, a calumniator.
1. A device that converts energy from one form to another, as a cell that converts sunlight to electricity.
2. Any device by which variations in one physical quantity (e.g. pressure, brightness) are quantitatively converted into variations in another (e.g. voltage, position).
2. Any device by which variations in one physical quantity (e.g. pressure, brightness) are quantitatively converted into variations in another (e.g. voltage, position).
1. The transfer of genetic material from one cell to another by a virus or virus-like particle.
2. The process whereby a transducer accepts energy in one form and gives back related energy in a different form.
3. Transfer of genetic material or characteristics from one bacterial cell to another by the incorporation of bacterial DNA into a bacteriophage.
2. The process whereby a transducer accepts energy in one form and gives back related energy in a different form.
3. Transfer of genetic material or characteristics from one bacterial cell to another by the incorporation of bacterial DNA into a bacteriophage.
universal product code, UPC
The barcode standard used in North America.
It is administered by the Uniform Code Council.
A passageway for wind or air, a ventilation duct: A ventiduct can be a pipe for refreshing apartments or rooms.
In a building, a ventiduct can be a conduct for wind or air, like for a subterraneous spiracle for aerating apartments.
To draw, or turn, toward the abdomen.
1. The passive or active movement of a body part in a ventral (stomach) direction.
2. Moving toward the abdomen or abdominal wall.
2. Moving toward the abdomen or abdominal wall.
1. An elevated structure, consisting of a series of arches or spans, by means of which a railway or road is carried over a valley, road, river, or marshy low-lying ground.
2. Etymology: from Latin via, "way, road" + -duct "a leading, a conducting", past participle of ducere, "to lead".
2. Etymology: from Latin via, "way, road" + -duct "a leading, a conducting", past participle of ducere, "to lead".