duc-, -duce, -duct, -ducent, -ductor, -duction, -ductive, -ducer, -ducement, -ducation
(Latin: to lead, leading; bringing; to take; to draw along or out)
Capable of bringing down, as in extent, amount, or degree; that which is diminishable.
A reducing agent.
A substance capable of bringing about the reduction of another substance as it is oxidized; used in photography to lessen the density of a negative or print by oxidizing some of the slackened silver.
1. The act or process of bringing something down in extent, amount, or degree; diminish.
2. The action or process of making a copy on a smaller scale.
2. The action or process of making a copy on a smaller scale.
1. To bring again into material existence; to create or form anew; specifically, in biology to form (a lost limb or organ) afresh; to generate (new individuals).
2. To bring about again; to effect, exhibit, or present anew; to repeat in some fashion.
3. To repeat in a more or less exact copy; to produce a copy of (a work of art, picture, drawing, etc.), now especially, by means of engraving, photography, or similar processes.
4. To create again by a mental effort; to represent clearly to the mind.
2. To bring about again; to effect, exhibit, or present anew; to repeat in some fashion.
3. To repeat in a more or less exact copy; to produce a copy of (a work of art, picture, drawing, etc.), now especially, by means of engraving, photography, or similar processes.
4. To create again by a mental effort; to represent clearly to the mind.
1. An audio system that can reproduce and amplify signals to produce sound.
2. That which can produce again; for example, to produce (new individuals of the same kind) by a sexual or asexual process.
3. Something that can be cause something to exist again or to renew (reproduce water from steam).
4. That which can imitate closely (sound-effects can reproduce the sound of thunder).
5. Anyone, or anything, that makes a representation of (as an image or copy) or reproduces a face on canvas.
2. That which can produce again; for example, to produce (new individuals of the same kind) by a sexual or asexual process.
3. Something that can be cause something to exist again or to renew (reproduce water from steam).
4. That which can imitate closely (sound-effects can reproduce the sound of thunder).
5. Anyone, or anything, that makes a representation of (as an image or copy) or reproduces a face on canvas.
1. The action or process of forming, creating, or bringing into existence again: ""There are reproductions of pictures or other works of art by means of engraving or by artists."
2. The breeding of new individuals of the same species by some form of generation: "There is a reproduction of new animal or vegetable organisms by or from existing ones."
2. The breeding of new individuals of the same species by some form of generation: "There is a reproduction of new animal or vegetable organisms by or from existing ones."
"Some manufactures are involved in the reproduction of articles of furniture, etc., in styles that existed in an earlier time."
3. The recomposition of sounds: "The reproduction of music can be done by various specialists to render different qualities for various listeners."
1. Of the nature of, pertaining to, or effecting, reproduction; such as, producing new life or offspring.
2. Relating to the reproduction of offspring by organized bodies.
2. Relating to the reproduction of offspring by organized bodies.
Relating to, or capable of reproduction; that is, the process by which plants and animals give rise to offspring and which fundamentally consists of the segregation of a portion of the parental body by a sexual, or an asexual, process and its subsequent growth and differentiation into a new individual.
A reference to producing new life or offspring; such as, the reproductivity potential of a species is its relative capacity to reproduce itself under optimal conditions; the reproductivity or regenerating of bodily organs.
A behavior on the part of a scientist who willfully damages the integrity of scientific research; such as, plagiarism or falsification or fabrication of data.
seduce (verb), seduces; seduced; seducing
1. To lead (a person) astray in conduct or belief; to draw away from the right or intended course of action to or into a wrong one; to tempt, to entice, or to beguile someone to do something wrong, foolish, or unintended.
2. Attract, win over, persuade, overcome resistance: "The homeless dog seduced us by whimpering and wagging its tail."
3. To induce (a woman) to surrender her chastity.
3. To lead astray from proper conduct, responsibility, loyalty, etc.
4. To entice someone to participate in sexual intercourse when not married; especially, for the first time.
2. Attract, win over, persuade, overcome resistance: "The homeless dog seduced us by whimpering and wagging its tail."
3. To induce (a woman) to surrender her chastity.
3. To lead astray from proper conduct, responsibility, loyalty, etc.
4. To entice someone to participate in sexual intercourse when not married; especially, for the first time.
1. The means employed to seduce; such as, by flattery, promises, deception, etc.; the arts of enticing or corrupting.
2. Something that tempts or persuades.
3. Seduction or the act of persuading someone to do something wrong: "It was obvious that it was an easy seduction into a life of crime."
4. Something that tempts, persuades, or attracts.
2. Something that tempts or persuades.
3. Seduction or the act of persuading someone to do something wrong: "It was obvious that it was an easy seduction into a life of crime."
4. Something that tempts, persuades, or attracts.
Someone who by temptation or arts, entices another person to depart from the path of rectitude and duty; pre-eminently, someone who by flattery, promises, or falsehood, persuades a female to surrender her chastity.
1. Allurement to take some course of action.
2. The action or an act of seducing (a person) to do the misbehave.
3. The persuading (of a person, soldier, etc.) to desert his or her allegiance to something or someone; such as, the military service.
2. The action or an act of seducing (a person) to do the misbehave.
3. The persuading (of a person, soldier, etc.) to desert his or her allegiance to something or someone; such as, the military service.
Tending to seduce; alluring, enticing; beguiling; captivating: "She had a seductive smile and she also wore a seductive dress."