duc-, -duce, -duct, -ducent, -ductor, -duction, -ductive, -ducer, -ducement, -ducation
(Latin: to lead, leading; bringing; to take; to draw along or out)
Initiated through exposure to light.
piezoelectric semiconductor
A semiconductor that exhibits the piezoelectric effect (electric current produced by some crystals and ceramic materials when they are subjected to mechanical pressure); such as, quartz or barium titanate.
piezoelectric transducer
A device that uses the interaction between an electric charge and the deformation of a piezoelectric crystal to convert mechanical or acoustical signals into electrical ones, especially such a device used in a microphone.
1. The amount yielded or derived; the proceeds; the return, the yield.
2. The thing or things collectively brought forth, either as a natural growth or as a result of action or effort; fruit.
3. Agricultural and natural results collectively, as distinguished from manufactured goods.
2. The thing or things collectively brought forth, either as a natural growth or as a result of action or effort; fruit.
3. Agricultural and natural results collectively, as distinguished from manufactured goods.
produce (verb), produces; produced; producing
1. To bring forward or into view, to present to notice; to offer for inspection or consideration, to exhibit: To produce also indicates the bringing forward of witnesses, as well as evidence, or vouchers, in a court of law.
2. To bring something into existence from its raw materials or elements, or as the result of a process; to give rise to, to bring about, to effect, to cause, to make an action, condition, etc.
2. To bring something into existence from its raw materials or elements, or as the result of a process; to give rise to, to bring about, to effect, to cause, to make an action, condition, etc.
1. Someone who, or that which produces; in various senses: to bring forth as a product; a mine that produces gold; a seed that finally produced fruit; a plant that produces a medicinal oil.
2. An organizer and administrator of the making of a movie, broadcast, or recording; or the staging of a play.
2. An organizer and administrator of the making of a movie, broadcast, or recording; or the staging of a play.
1. Capable of being produced, brought forward, or presented to the eye or mind; adducible; procurable, obtainable, available.
2. Fit to be produced or introduced; presentable.
3. That which can be produced or extended in length.
4. That which may be caused or brought about; capable of being brought into being, generated, or made.
2. Fit to be produced or introduced; presentable.
3. That which can be produced or extended in length.
4. That which may be caused or brought about; capable of being brought into being, generated, or made.
1. In mathematics, the quantity obtained by multiplying two or more quantities together. Also, more widely, applied to other mathematical entities (as events, matrices, permutations, sets, tensors, vectors, etc.) obtained by certain defined processes of combination of two or more entities, the processes not necessarily being commutative and the entities combined not necessarily being of the same kind.
2. A thing produced by nature or a natural process; also in a collective sense; such as, produce, fruit.
3. That which is produced by any action, operation, or work; a production; the result. Now freq. that which is produced commercially for sale.
4. That which results from the operation of a cause; a consequence, effect.
5. In chemistry, a compound not previously existing in a body, but formed during its decomposition.
2. A thing produced by nature or a natural process; also in a collective sense; such as, produce, fruit.
3. That which is produced by any action, operation, or work; a production; the result. Now freq. that which is produced commercially for sale.
4. That which results from the operation of a cause; a consequence, effect.
5. In chemistry, a compound not previously existing in a body, but formed during its decomposition.
1. The action of producing, bringing forth, making, or causing; the fact or condition of being produced.
2. That which is produced; a thing that results from any action, process, or effort; a product.
3. The action of bringing forward or exhibiting. In Law, the exhibiting of a document in court. to satisfy production, to produce and submit a document called for by a court of law (and thereby to admit the title of the pursuer and competence of the court).
4. Designating a vehicle or appliance made in the ordinary course of production, as opposed to one made for testing or other special purposes.
2. That which is produced; a thing that results from any action, process, or effort; a product.
3. The action of bringing forward or exhibiting. In Law, the exhibiting of a document in court. to satisfy production, to produce and submit a document called for by a court of law (and thereby to admit the title of the pursuer and competence of the court).
4. Designating a vehicle or appliance made in the ordinary course of production, as opposed to one made for testing or other special purposes.
production and interrelation of electric and magnetic fields, Maxwell's equations
Four equations, formulated by James Clerk Maxwell, that together form a complete description of the production and interrelation of electric and magnetic fields.
The statements of these four equations are as follows:
- Electric field diverges from electric charge.
- There are no isolated magnetic poles.
- Electric fields are produced by changing magnetic fields.
- Circulating magnetic fields are produced by changing electric fields and by electric currents.
Maxwell based his description of electromagnetic fields on these four statements.
1. Having the quality of producing or bringing forth; tending to produce; creative, generative.
2. That which causes or brings about, that results in; causative. Always with of.
3. That which produces readily or abundantly; fertile; prolific.
2. That which causes or brings about, that results in; causative. Always with of.
3. That which produces readily or abundantly; fertile; prolific.
1. In economics, the rate of output per unit of input, used especially in measuring capital growth, and in assessing the effective use of labor, materials, and equipment.
2. The rate at which radiant energy is used by producers to form organic substances as food for consumers.
2. The rate at which radiant energy is used by producers to form organic substances as food for consumers.
1. A small, often temporary defensive fortification: Because they were always on the move, the trappers built redoubts to protect themselves and which could be taken down quickly when they relocated themselves.
2. A reinforcing earthwork or breastwork within a permanent rampart: In order to defend themselves even more, the soldiers built a redoubt within the walls of their fortress in order to provide the optimum safety for them.
3. A protected place of refuge or defense: In his room at home, little Tommy built a redoubt with blankets hanging from the framework of his bed so he couldn’t be seen by anyone!
4. An isolated work forming a complete enclosure of any form, used to defend a prominent point: In the book Ted was reading, a small camp and a redoubt were constructed on top of the cliff for the soldiers so that they could safeguard their area.
5. Etymology: from Fr. redoute, from It. ridotto "place of retreat," from M.L. reductus "place of refuge, retreat," from Latin reduct-, past participle stem of reducere, "to lead" or "to bring back".

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2. A reinforcing earthwork or breastwork within a permanent rampart: In order to defend themselves even more, the soldiers built a redoubt within the walls of their fortress in order to provide the optimum safety for them.
3. A protected place of refuge or defense: In his room at home, little Tommy built a redoubt with blankets hanging from the framework of his bed so he couldn’t be seen by anyone!
4. An isolated work forming a complete enclosure of any form, used to defend a prominent point: In the book Ted was reading, a small camp and a redoubt were constructed on top of the cliff for the soldiers so that they could safeguard their area.
5. Etymology: from Fr. redoute, from It. ridotto "place of retreat," from M.L. reductus "place of refuge, retreat," from Latin reduct-, past participle stem of reducere, "to lead" or "to bring back".

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1. To bring down, diminish to a smaller number, amount, extent, etc., or to a single thing: "The store reduced the coat from $100 to $65."
2. In chemistry, to decompose (a compound); to resolve into a simpler compound or into the constituent element; minimize, dilute, moderate: "Water reduces the potency of an alcoholic drink."
3. To decrease one's weight, to slim down to a lower weight: "It's easier to reduce if we simply watch what we eat."
2. In chemistry, to decompose (a compound); to resolve into a simpler compound or into the constituent element; minimize, dilute, moderate: "Water reduces the potency of an alcoholic drink."
3. To decrease one's weight, to slim down to a lower weight: "It's easier to reduce if we simply watch what we eat."
That which can be reduced or capable of becoming smaller in size, number, extent, degree, or intensity, or something that can be made smaller in this way.