zoo-, zoa-, zo-, -zoic, -zoid, -zoite, -zoal, -zonal, -zooid, -zoon, -zoa, -zoan
(Greek: animal, animals; living beings; life)
Referring to an organism that lives on, or is attached to, the exterior part of an animal: Epizoic creatures, like barnacles and algae, are harmless and exist on the surfaces of whales, sharks, turtles, or on mangrove trees.
An agent destructive to or which kills epizoa: Greg read about an epizoicide that was supposed to get rid of the fleas on his dog.
The study of the patterns of infectious disorders of animal groups; epizootiology: Part of Mary's studies at the university included epizoology, or scientific research regarding the frequency, distribution, and causation of diseases in an animal population.
An animal organism that lives on the surface of a host animal; ectozoon: Fleas are external parasites and are known to be epizoa because they obtain nourishment from the host, as a dog, without killing it.

A disease caused by an animal parasite in or on the skin; epidermatozoonosis: On the farm, Sam noticed that one of his cows had an infected area which the vetinarian diagnosed as epizoonosis and which was treated quickly.
A disease occurring simultaneously in animal groups: When the epizootic of the swine flu broke out, Jane compared it to an epidemic when a huge number of people suffer from the flu at the same time.
epizootiologic, epizootiological (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to epizootiology: Sally watched a program on TV about epizootiological aspects of animal diseases that had occurred in an epidemic magnitude in past years.
The science pertaining to the factors relating to the development and spread of animal disorders: Epizootiology deals with the frequency, distribution, and causation of diseases in an animal population.
A study of traditional treatment of animal diseases which includes medical care of human medical conditions: The focus of ethnozooarchaeological research is primarily on the use of botanicals readily available, how they are identified, collected, processed, and under what conditions they are used to treat ailments.
ethnozoological (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to ethnozoology or the study of the complex relationships between people of various cultures and animals: Andy was so interested in the interrelationships between human civilization and animals in past and present times that he bought a fantastic book about ethnozoological aspects of such human and animal associations.
A person who specializes in ethnozoology: Ethnozoologists study the complex relationships between people of various cultures and the animals in the same environments.
The investigation of the complex relationships between people and animals: Ethnozoology includes the analysis of human connections with, and the usage of, domesticated animals, and the management of wild animals for hunting and other purposes.
Ethnozoology also involves the study of the way various cultural groups make use of, interact with, or classify the animals of their environment.
You will find more information about ethnozoology here.
Eumetazoa (pl) (noun)
A taxon erected to contain all metazoa except Porifera: The sponges and wormlike mesozoans are excluded from the taxonomic category of Eumetazoa which comprises all other animals.
"Porifera" is that phylum of the animal kingdom which contains the sponges.
In general they consist of aggregates of cells, mostly choanocytes, which often line canals and chambers usually supported by a skeleton of fibers or spicules.
A sexual zooid of Bryozoan, Hydrozoan colonies or Tunicates: The main function of a gonozooid is to reproduce, and this hardly amounts to more than a motile gonad.
A parasite living inside a blood corpuscle; haemacytozoon: One example of a haematocytozoon is the malaria parasite.