aesth-, esth-, aesthe-, esthe-, aesthesio-, esthesio-, aesthesia-, -esthesia, -aesthetic, -esthetic, -aesthetical, -esthetical, -aesthetically, -esthetically
(Greek: feeling, sensation, perception)
caudal anesthesia, caudal epidural anesthesia, caudal block (s) (noun); caudal anesthesias; caudal epidural anesthesias; caudal blocks (pl)
Anesthesia produced by injection of a local anesthetic into the caudal canal (toward the caudal or tail), the sacral portion (large heavy bone at the base of the spine) of the spinal canal: Caudal anesthesia is used to provide anesthesia and analgesia (pain relief) below the umbilicus.
Caudal anesthesia may be the sole anesthetic, or it can be combined with a general anesthesia.
For her knee operation, Dr. Smith, the anesthesiologist, administered a caudal anesthesia so Pearl was awake during the operation but she didn't feel any pain.
Sensation of heat even when the temperature is low: To suffer from caumesthesia in a northern climate could be dangerous because the patient might dress inappropriately to go outside in the winter.
1. The general sense of bodily existence, especially the general feeling of well-being or malaise, presumably dependent on multiple stimuli coming from various parts of the body, including sensations of internal organ activity even though these are not necessarily at a conscious level: Kris woke up in the morning feeling a great sense of cenesthesia that her day was going to be all right.
2. The diffuse internal awareness of bodily existence, caused by the interaction of numerous unlocalized sensations whose aggregate expressions might be of some degree of pain or pleasure: After her fall while she was skiing, Sharon experienced tremendous cenesthesia because every joint in her body ached and every muscle felt bruised.
2. The diffuse internal awareness of bodily existence, caused by the interaction of numerous unlocalized sensations whose aggregate expressions might be of some degree of pain or pleasure: After her fall while she was skiing, Sharon experienced tremendous cenesthesia because every joint in her body ached and every muscle felt bruised.
cenesthesic (adjective), more cenesthesic, most cenesthesic
1. A reference to the general sense of bodily existence: A well-developed cenesthesic awareness is essential for a visual artist.
2. The sensation resulting from the functioning of the internal organs: The cenesthesic feeling in Mary's stomach made her realize that she had forgotten to eat lunch.
2. The sensation resulting from the functioning of the internal organs: The cenesthesic feeling in Mary's stomach made her realize that she had forgotten to eat lunch.
1. Disordered consciousness or awareness; malaise: After months of gray rainy skies, a general cenesthesiopathy was felt in the town because everyone wanted to see the sun shine again.
2. A vague feeling of physical discomfort or uneasiness that often takes place early in an illness: The day before Linda came down with the flu, she was in a state of cenesthesiopathy and so she wasn't feeling very well and had no energy.
2. A vague feeling of physical discomfort or uneasiness that often takes place early in an illness: The day before Linda came down with the flu, she was in a state of cenesthesiopathy and so she wasn't feeling very well and had no energy.
cenesthetic (adjective), more cenesthetic, most cenesthetic
Relating to an abnormal feeling either of euphoria, or of malaise, such as that which may take place in a delirious condition: As a result of a prolonged fever, Thora experienced a cenesthetic feeling associated with delirium.
1. Any localized distortion of body awareness, such as the feeling that a hand has become like jelly; less commonly the term is used to refer to a feeling of general physical ill-being: As the result of a severe blow to the back of her hand, Jackie experienced transitory cenesthopathy, and her hand felt like jelly so she could not easily move her fingers.
2. A general feeling of discomfort, unease, and malaise not attributable to any particular part of the body: Rainy days always bring on a general sense of cenesthopathy for Pearl.
2. A general feeling of discomfort, unease, and malaise not attributable to any particular part of the body: Rainy days always bring on a general sense of cenesthopathy for Pearl.
cheirocinesthesia, chirocinesthesia, cheirocinaesthesia (s) (noun); cheirocinesthesias; chirocinesthesias; cheirocinaesthesias (pl)
The ability to feel, or a sense of the movements of one's hands: Well-developed cheirocinesthesias are important for musicians so they can play their instruments skillfully.
1. A subjective sensation of hand movements: Brian was aware of the cheirokinesthesia of his left hand reaching instinctively for the paint brush.
2. The sense of awareness of movements of the hand, as in writing: Berth was aware via cheirokinesthesia that her right hand was clutching the pen too tightly.
2. The sense of awareness of movements of the hand, as in writing: Berth was aware via cheirokinesthesia that her right hand was clutching the pen too tightly.
cheirokinesthetic, chirokinesthetic (adjective); more cheirokinesthetic, most cheirokinesthetic; more chirokinesthetic, most chirokinesthetic
Describing or referring to the sensing of, or being aware of, the movements of the hands: Millie’s cheirokinesthetic awareness of her hand movements was particularly noticeable when she held her hands at her back.
An abnormal condition when a normal separation between the senses appears to have broken down and a non-visual perception of colors are produced by the sensation of hearing, such as hearing that causes a person to perceive or to experience color sensations: One example of color hearing that is a form of chromesthesia is when someone hears musical tones that seem to produce colors. For example, when Mary hears high musical octaves, they indicate lighter color values, while lower octaves evoke darker colors, and rapid major-tone sequences produce fast flashes of colors as if fireworks were exploding.
The general sense or feeling of existence arising from the sum of one's bodily impressions: Spelunkers, or explorers of caves, need a good coenaesthesis so they can get around in the dark, damp spaces while they are caving.
1. Awareness of one’s body, especially an overall sense of one’s general health: Alison’s coenesthesia meant that she was very aware of the first symptoms of such things as a cold.
2. The general sense or feeling of existence arising from the sum of bodily impressions, as distinct from the definite sensations of the special senses: Trudy woke up in the morning with a wonderful sense of coenesthesia indicating that her world was going to be full of pleasures!
2. The general sense or feeling of existence arising from the sum of bodily impressions, as distinct from the definite sensations of the special senses: Trudy woke up in the morning with a wonderful sense of coenesthesia indicating that her world was going to be full of pleasures!
1. The inability to perceive cold: Yvonne always carried an extra pair of mittens during the winter months because she always suffered from cryanesthesia and was never sure if she were actually cold.
2. Loss of the perception of cold, as during hypothermia or from the application of certain freezing compounds: By the time Sally, the lost hiker, was found, she was suffering from cryanesthesia and required medical attention.
2. Loss of the perception of cold, as during hypothermia or from the application of certain freezing compounds: By the time Sally, the lost hiker, was found, she was suffering from cryanesthesia and required medical attention.
A condition of cryanesthesia may also involve the intentional application of cold, such as with liquid nitrogen, to produce anesthesia for a short term operation, as with the lancing of a boil, removal of a nevus (a mole or birthmark), cosmetic "sandpapering" of the skin, etc.
A sensation or an abnormal pathological sensitivity to cold: Rodney had a such a severe cryesthesia that he always stayed home as much as possible with the heaters turned up during the winter.
The index of anesthesia history, Parts 1, 2, and 3.

Related-word units meaning feeling: senso-; pass-, pati-; patho-.