monoaesthesia, monesthesia
(s) (noun (no pl)
A physical sense or sensation that is stimulated: Janine is affected by auditory
monoaesthesia and so loud music can be very painful.
Tasting a teaspoon of spiced sauce will often cause a special monoaesthesia to occur in Mary's mouth.
monoanesthesia, monoanaesthesia
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The process of desensitization of one bodily feeling, or making one sense sensation unresponsive: Dr. Jenkins used a compound which created a monoanesthesia in Alisa's mouth before drilling the cavity of her tooth.
myesthesia, myoesthesia
(s) (noun); myesthesias; myoesthesias
1. A sensory perception of muscular contraction: During her rehabilitation sessions, Rachel experienced myasthenia while she was using a stationary bicycle.
2. A sensibility to impressions coming from the muscles: After a while as Roger was walking up the steep hill, the myasthenia in his legs was acute because they were not accustomed to such strain.
(adjective), more myesthesic, most myesthesic
Descriptive of the muscular sense of the contraction movements of muscles and joints: The
myesthesic movement of Mack's leg muscles was painful but encouraging as he practiced his physiotherapy exercises.
Jason was more aware of the myesthesic movements of his muscles and joints after some weeks of medical therapies that took place because of the injuries he suffered in the car accident.
narcoanesthesia, narcoanaesthesia
(s) (noun); narcoanesthesias; narcoanaesthesias
The suppression or elimination of pain as a result of using special medications: The proper use of narcoanesthesia for Karl was critical for the success of the delicate surgery that would be performed on him.
(s) (noun), neuraleptanesthesias
Consciousness that results from the use of nerve blocking pain medication, for example a narcotic for use in some surgical procedures: Because Dr.McMahon wanted to be able to speak with Susan during the surgical process, she used a medication that resulted in neuraleptanesthesia.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
A scientific approach to the study of perceptions of art and music: The James and Janice Smith research team used
neuroesthetics to help them understand the links between traditional art and science.
Neuroesthetics utilizes the techniques of neuroscience in order to explain and to understand esthetic experiences at a neurological level while the physician investigates the structure and activity of the brain in response to the experiences of esthetic phenomena.
(adjective), more neuroleptanesthetic, most neuroleptanesthetic
A reference to a state of altered consciousness that is produced by a combination of one or more drugs that provide for certain surgical procedures to be carried out on a patient who is conscious: Dr. Kilfoil provided a neuroleptanesthetic condition for Sam so he could respond to questions during the medical operation.
noseresthesia, noseraesthesia
(s) (noun); noseresthesias; noseraesthesias
1. A morbid, diseased, or perverted sensibility: As the severe rash spread on Isabel’s arms, Dr. Rawson diagnosed her condition as epidermal noseresthesia which explained why Isabel was unable to tolerate the touch of her clothing.
2. Any disorder of perception: The generalized noseresthesia resulted in Rachel being confined to a medical facility for several months.
A bitter rivalry among artists and writers: At times the odium aestheticum controversy that was present on the university campus resulted in raucous shouting matches among the fine arts students.
olfactory anesthesia
(s) (noun), olfactory anesthesias
The absence, or loss, of the sense of smell: The fear of olfactory anesthesia was a disturbing factor for the workers at the perfume factory.
olfactory esthesioneuroma
(s) (noun), olfactory esthesioneuromas
A slow growth of a malignant tumor in the nerve tissue of the nasal area: Dr. Gibson, the otorhinolaryngologist (an ear, nose, and throat specialist), was treating Ron for the olfactory esthesioneuroma detected in passages of his nose.
optesthesia, optaesthesia
(s) (noun); optesthesias; optaesthesias
A sensibility to visual stimuli: As a result of his optesthesia, Stan always wore sunglasses when he was outside or in brightly lighted environments.
(adjective), more optesthesic, most optesthesic
Characterized by a visual sensibility to light stimuli: Barbara’s optesthesic condition was diagnosed early and Dr. Greaves, the ophthalmologist, recommended she wear transition lenses to protect her eyes.
oral dyesthesia
(s) (noun), oral dyesthesias
A burning sensation in one or several parts of the mouth: Mildred's neighbor, Edward, consulted Dr. Carsley, the dentist, about the
oral dyesthesia he was experiencing.
Oral dyesthesia occurs more often in the elderly and is generally related to menopausal, psychological, or psychopathological factors.
Identified causes of oral dyesthesia are denture irritation, yeast infection, decreased salivary production, and systemic factors, such as nutritional and estrogen deficiencies, and sensory neuropathies.
Treatment of oral dyesthesias consists of therapy for whatever has caused the condition.
The index of anesthesia history, Parts 1, 2, and 3.

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