aesth-, esth-, aesthe-, esthe-, aesthesio-, esthesio-, aesthesia-, -esthesia, -aesthetic, -esthetic, -aesthetical, -esthetical, -aesthetically, -esthetically
(Greek: feeling, sensation, perception)
hyperthermoesthesia, hyperthermoaesthesia (s) (noun); hyperthermoesthesias; hyperthermoaesthesias (pl)
Extreme sensitiveness to heat: Bertha's hyperthermoesthesia always results in her face being very red whenever she is in a heated room and during hot summers.
1. Sleepiness; a sleepy feeling: After a day outside with fresh air and exercise, Mildred usually feels overcome with hypnesthesia and has a strong need for a nap which she calls a "nappetite".
2. A dulled sensibility resulting from drowsiness: After waking from her nap, Mildred still felt a bit of hypnesthesia and was unable to respond with sufficient energy to prepare her dinner.
2. A dulled sensibility resulting from drowsiness: After waking from her nap, Mildred still felt a bit of hypnesthesia and was unable to respond with sufficient energy to prepare her dinner.
The use of induced sleepiness to block pain or consciousness: Rather than risk the side effects of a medical anesthetic, Lini's cousin opted for hypnoanesthesia for her tonsil operation.
1. A special sensitivity while sleeping: Monroe experiences an auditory hypnoesthesia while sleeping and so he usually wakes up easily to little sounds.
2. A feeling of sleepiness; dulled sensibility; drowsiness: Robert’s experience of hypnoesthesia was compounded by several days of disrupted sleep because of his work schedule at the hospital.
2. A feeling of sleepiness; dulled sensibility; drowsiness: Robert’s experience of hypnoesthesia was compounded by several days of disrupted sleep because of his work schedule at the hospital.
A decreased sensitivity to cold: The hypocryesthesia of Mary's mother meant that she usually did not need to wear a heavy coat during winter.
An abnormally low sensitivity to stimuli: Roger’s hypoesthesia was especially noticeable in his auditory abilities.
hypoesthetic, hypoaesthesic (adjective); more hypoesthetic, most hypoesthetic; more hypoaesthesic, most hypoaesthesic
Characterized by an abnormally low sensitivity to stimuli: Jacob’s hypoesthetic response to painful stimuli, such as touching a hot surface, meant that he needed to wear protective gloves when working at the kitchen stove.
A loss of taste perception: The famous chef lived in dread that he might acquire hypogeusesthesia and be unable to taste the food he prepares.
A decreased sharpness of the sense of vibration: When Dr.Fisher applied a vibrating tuning fork to Trudy’s ankle, she indicated a degree of hypopallesthesia because she didn't feel the vibrations as much as she had in the previous examination.
A decreased sensitivity to light: Despite developing hypophotesthesia, Daniel’s ophthalmologist recommended he wear sunglasses when going outside in the sun.
An abnormally decreased sensitivity to heat or temperature perception: If Linda experienced hypothermia, the resultant hypothermesthesia would place her at risk of death.
Loss of the sense of pain in the skin which is associated with some psychiatric conditions, taking on geometric configurations or conforming to zones covered by various articles of clothing: In her panic, Isabel experienced hysterical anesthesia because she couldn't feel any sensations on her back where her jacket was so tight.
inesthetic, inaesthetic (adjective); more inesthetic, most inesthetic; more inaesthetic, most inaesthetic
A reference to a lack of feeling for, or not having an appreciation or perception for, beauty: The inaesthetic response to classical architecture was reflected in Deon’s preference for glass and steel construction.
kinaesthetic, kinesthetic (adjective); more kinaesthetic, most kinaesthetic; more kinesthetic, most kinesthetic
1. The sensation of position, movement, tension, etc. of parts of the body perceived through nerve-end organs in muscles, tendons, and joints: Dancing is a very kinaesthetic activity in that Susan has to be aware of her body positions, movements, etc.
2. A system used to teach reading and spelling by means of the sensations perceived through movements and feelings, such as following the written word with one’s finger in sand, on a rough paper towel, or on sandpaper which results in an automatic muscular response when one actually writes the word with a pen or a pencil: Martin's son learned his alphabet through the kinesthetic method by tracing letters on a rough paper surface with his finger.
2. A system used to teach reading and spelling by means of the sensations perceived through movements and feelings, such as following the written word with one’s finger in sand, on a rough paper towel, or on sandpaper which results in an automatic muscular response when one actually writes the word with a pen or a pencil: Martin's son learned his alphabet through the kinesthetic method by tracing letters on a rough paper surface with his finger.
The inability to perceive either direction, or the extent of movement, with the result being ataxia (failure of muscular coordinations or irregularity of muscular actions): Lorna's little girl had to be treated for her kinanesthesia because she kept walking in an awkward way and often fell down as a result of her uncoordinated movements.
Mr. Lohman’s gait was characterized by kinanesthesia in that he walked in a clumsy and unsteady way.
The index of anesthesia history, Parts 1, 2, and 3.

Related-word units meaning feeling: senso-; pass-, pati-; patho-.