psych-, psycho-, -psyche, -psychic, -psychical, -psychically

(Greek: mind, spirit, consciousness; mental processes; the human soul; breath of life; literally, "that which breathes" or "breathing")

A prefix that is normally used with elements of Greek origin, psych- affects the meanings of hundreds of words.

Etymologically, this element includes such meanings as, breath, to breathe, life, soul, spirit, mind, consciousness.

1. Having a stimulating effect on the mind.
2. Producing a stimulating or restorative effect on mental function.
1. A method of obtaining a detailed account of past and present mental and emotional experiences and repressions in order to determine the source and to eliminate or diminish any of the undesirable effects of unconscious conflicts by making patients aware of their existence, origin, and inappropriate expression in emotions and behavior. It is largely a system created by Sigmund Freud that was originally an outgrowth of his observations of neurotics.
2. Psychoanalysis is based on the theory that abnorml phenomena are caused by repression of painful or undesirable past experiences that, although totally forgotten, later manifest themselves in various abnormal ways.
3. In addition to the Freudian method, other schools of thought used in psychoanalysis include: analytical psychology (Jung), psychobiology (Meyer), and individual psychology (Adler).
4. An integrated body of observations and theories on personality development, motivation, and behavior.
1. One who practices psychoanalysis.
2. A psychotherapist, usually a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist, trained in psychoanalysis and employing its methods in the treatment of emotional disorders.
3. Usually, the psychoanalyst has had specific training in and has met the curriculum, practice, and supervisory criteria of a recognized training center for psychoanalysis before he or she can assume the title of psychoanalyst.
psychoanalytic (adjective)
Relating to the methods and theories of psychiatric treatment involving a system of interpretation and therapeutic treatment of psychological disorders: "The psychoanalytic therapy approach uses principles and methods of various psychoanalytic schools to produce information for the patient about the origins of the pathology and the defensive tactics which the patient can use to maintain his or her mental health."
psychoanalyze, psychoanalyse (British)
To treat a patient by applying the methods of psychoanalysis in a psychotherapeutic setting.
The study of mental retardation.
1. The dissociation between affect (reaction to a stimulus) and intellect; the separating of the emotions from other mental phenomena. It is considered characteristic of schizophrenia; also intrapsychic ataxia.
2. The separatiion of ideas and affect (external stimulus) as seen in schizophrenic disorders; the inappropriateness of affect (reactions to stimuli, including feelings, emotions, and moods).
Writing or talking by using jargon from psychiatry or psychotherapy without any particular accuracy or relevance. Popularized by a book of the same title (1977) by U.S. journalist Richard D. Rosen.
A biographical study focusing on psychological factors, as childhood traumas and unconscious motives.
1. The study of psychology from a biological point of view (including the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the mind) emphasizing the adaptive or functional aspects of behavior that enable the organism to meet survival challenges that are posed by the environment; synonym: biopsychology.
2. A method of psychoanalysis employing distributive analysis, that includes a study of all mental and physical factors involved in an individual's growth and development.
3. Objective psychobiology involves a special emphasis on the various relationships of the individual to his or her environment.
4. The branch of biology dealing with the relations or interactions between body and behavior, especially as exhibited in the nervous system, receptors, effectors, or the like.
5. The study of the interrelationships of biology and psychology in cognitive functioning, including intellectual, memory, and related neurocognitive processes.
The bringing of so-called traumatic experiences and their affective associations into consciousness by interview, hypnosis, or the use of drugs; such as, sodium amytal.
Focused on the subjective, mental self as the major determinant of personality and mental activity rather than on the cerebral, neurophysiological elements.
The application of biochemistry to psychiatry and especially to the understanding of the neurochemical patterns that may be a fundamental part of at least some psychiatric disorders.
1. Any subjective physical or mental sensation that is regularly associated with a particular color.
2. Color impressions resulting from sensory stimulations of a part of the body other than by the eyes.
psychochromesthesia (s) (noun), psychochromesthesias (pl)
1. Color sensation produced by the stimulus of a sense organ other than that of vision: While listening to the organ music, Irene had the sense of psychochromesthesia as if light were filling the room where she was sitting.

Sometimes a pseudochromesthesia is described as a condition in which sounds, especially of the vowels, seem to induce a sensation of a distinct visual color.

2. A sensation in which a certain stimulus to one of the special organs of sense produces the mental image of a color: When eating highly spiced foods, Josh has feelings of strong noises andof bright colors filling the room which remind him of the market places he visited in South Asia.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving the "mind, mental" word units: anima-; anxi-; deliri-; hallucina-; menti-; moro-; noo-; nous; phreno-; thymo-2.

Word units related to breath and breathe: hal-; pneo-; pneumato-; pneumo-; spiro.