psych-, psycho-, -psyche, -psychic, -psychical, -psychically

(Greek: mind, spirit, consciousness; mental processes; the human soul; breath of life; literally, "that which breathes" or "breathing")

A prefix that is normally used with elements of Greek origin, psych- affects the meanings of hundreds of words.

Etymologically, this element includes such meanings as, breath, to breathe, life, soul, spirit, mind, consciousness.

puerperal psychosis
A psychiatric disorder that may affect women in the first two weeks after giving birth. It may be depressive or schizophrenic and may involve false ideas concerning the baby.
1. Relating to the body-mind relationship; the study of the effects of the body upon the mind, as opposed to psychosomatic, which is mind on body.
2. Relating to the relationship between the body and the mind.
3. Relating to the study of the effects of the body upon the mind.
An emotional disorder associated with an organic disease.
somopsychosis (s), somopsychoses (pl) (nouns)
A mental disorder with predominantly physical symptoms: "The somopsychoses simulate physical and organic nervous troubles."

"Both psychoneurosis and somopsychosis are diseases of the subconsciousness."

"In the somatic psychopathies, or somopsychoses, the patient tells the medical doctor about his or her physical symptoms; such as, stomach trouble, intestinal pains, soreness of the abdomen, headaches, anesthetic (no feeling) areas on his or her body, slight paralysis, or more complete paralysis of various organs; all of which are mental rather than physical ailments."

Abnormally rapid action of psychological processes.
theopsychism (s) (noun), theopsychisms (pl)
Ascription (declaration) of a divine nature to the soul: "Theopsychism involves the belief that a person's soul has a divine or Godly nature."
thymopsyche (s), thymopsyches (pl) (nouns)
The life, soul, emotions, or passions of the mind: "A person's thyopsyche represents ideas, mental representations or desires."
zoopsychology (s) (noun) (no pl)
1. A branch of psychology that studies animal behavior: Marc was especially interested in animals, and particularly in their conduct and mental processes, their responses, and their reactions to stimuli.

Inter-related cross references, directly or indirectly, involving the "mind, mental" word units: anima-; anxi-; deliri-; hallucina-; menti-; moro-; noo-; nous; phreno-; thymo-2.

Word units related to breath and breathe: hal-; pneo-; pneumato-; pneumo-; spiro.