path-, patho-, -path-, -pathia, -pathic, -pathology, -pathetic, -pathize, -pathy
(Greek: feeling, sensation, perception; suffering, disease, or disorder; a system of treating diseases)
In medicine, some of these elements usually mean "someone who suffers from a disease of, or one who treats a disease"; so, they should not be confused with the words that mean "feeling" which are also shown on these pages even though both meanings come from the same Greek element.
A peculiar or uncommon reaction to a substance that can cause an allergy: The little sore on Ginnie's arm didn't heal and it became even larger and red, so she went to see her dermatologist who described it as being a pathergia and it was treated right away.
pathergic (adjective), more pathergic, most pathergic
Relating to an abnormal response to an allergen: Such pathergic conditions can be unusually mild but can also show extremely severe reactions.
An abnormal reaction to a minor disorder: A pathergy can occur when a small or a slight injury can lead to a spread of a skin infection or ulcers which might be incapable of healing.
In medicine, the trochlear nerve: The pathetic denotes the fourth cranial nerve (pathetic nerve), the nerveus trochlearis (fourth cranial nerve or pathetic nerve that supplies the superior oblique muscle of the eye).
pathetic (adjective), more pathetic, most pathetic
A reference to that which arouses sorrow or pity: Lynn finally found her cat in a shed with the door closed and meowing in a pathetic way.
Pathetic is the condition of the man who knows it all but has no one to tell it to.
The attribution of human feelings or qualities to inanimate nature, often thought of as a device producing false emotionalism: Susan, the patient, was observed talking to the rocks in the garden, making pathetic fallacies, such as asking if the rocks were enjoying the sunshine.
pathetically (adverb), more pathetically, most pathetically
Of, relating to, expressing, or arousing how pity, sympathy, or tenderness is expressed; inadequately; pitifully: During the basketball game, Sam was attempting pathetically to throw the ball through the basket!.
Little Kitty was crying so pathetically that it moved the tender emotions of pity, sorrow, and sympathy of her parents and made them shed many tears as well.
pathoanatomical (adjective) (not comparable)
Referring to the anatomy of diseased tissues: Tony was very interested in pathoanatomical research of the ailments, infections, and physical disorders of people and decided to find a job in a hospital lab dealing with pathoanatomy.
The study of the origins of ailments founded on the basis of examinations of body tissues and organs: In the clinic dealing with pathoanatomy, Jack analysed the diseased organs in order to find out the reason or cause of the diseased parts.
The branch of biology that relates to pathology: Pathobiology places more importance on the biological than on the medical aspects of research.
A specific elemental sensitivity to specific toxins: Pathoclisis is exemplified by a specific affinity of some toxins for certain systems of organs or even a tendency for poisons to attack certain organs.
The tendency to deny one's disease or to verbally express very little about it: The elderly Mrs. Doubtful had an unwillingness to believe that she had any kind of physical ailment or disorder, although she suffered by not being able to hear very well, and her grown-up children said she had a case of pathocryptia!
The tendency to talk too much about one's disease accompanied by a desire to display the injured or diseased part: Old Mrs. Gray, who inclined towards pathodixia, just loved to chatter about her latest illness, and even showed her friends the spots and areas that were affected.
In dentistry, diseases of the teeth: Pathodontia is the branch of dentistry that is concerned with the ailments and disorders of a person's teeth.
pathoformic (adjective) (not comparable)
A reference to the start of a disease; said of symptoms at the beginning of a mental disorder: A pathoformic condition is one in which the indications of an ailment appear in the time between a healthy state and an infected state.
Such pathoformic symptoms can occur in the initial stages of a mental ailment.