path-, patho-, -path-, -pathia, -pathic, -pathology, -pathetic, -pathize, -pathy
(Greek: feeling, sensation, perception; suffering, disease, or disorder; a system of treating diseases)
In medicine, some of these elements usually mean "someone who suffers from a disease of, or one who treats a disease"; so, they should not be confused with the words that mean "feeling" which are also shown on these pages even though both meanings come from the same Greek element.
A diseased condition affecting the joints, both hard and soft connecting tissue, such as the linings of the moving links: As he aged, Mary's friend, Leon, was feeling the debilitating results of osteoarthropathy which was causing pain in his knees, hands, shoulders, and elbows.
The science of bone diseases: One of the branches of Nancy's medical studies was osteopathology which dealt with the ailments of the inflexible and stiff connective tissues from which a person's skeleton is made.
1. A disease or affection of the bones: Old Dr. Smith used the rare word osteopathy to describe the bone affliction that the elderly Mrs. Black had.
2. A theory of disease and method of cure founded on the assumption that deformation of some part of the skeleton and consequent interference with the adjacent nerves and blood vessels are the cause of most diseases: The therapy of osteopathy was promoted and recommended by Dr. A. T. Still, and is used as a treatment by many practitioners.
2. A theory of disease and method of cure founded on the assumption that deformation of some part of the skeleton and consequent interference with the adjacent nerves and blood vessels are the cause of most diseases: The therapy of osteopathy was promoted and recommended by Dr. A. T. Still, and is used as a treatment by many practitioners.
Any ailment of the ears: Jane went to see the otorhinolaryngologist because she thought she had an ear infection which Dr, Schneider diagnosed as being otopathy, a diseased condition.
Any disease of the ovaries: Jenny was experiencing pain in the lower part of her abdomen, and, after the doctor examined her, he diagnosed her agony being caused by a case of ovariopathy, and sent her to a gynaecologist for further examination.
1. Unusual acuity of sensation: oxyesthesia: In his old age, George developed oxypathia and had to wear gloves most of the time because his sense of touch was often painful.
2. An acute condition of sensitiveness regarding sight or pain: Floyd's doctor told him that he was experiencing oxypathia in that he was extremely sensitive to daylight, and recommended wearing sunglasses when outside, even when it seemed to be cloudy.
3. A condition in which the body is unable to eliminate unoxidizable acids which combine with fixed alkalies of the tissues: The case of oxypathia, also termed oxypathy, is harmful for the organism.
2. An acute condition of sensitiveness regarding sight or pain: Floyd's doctor told him that he was experiencing oxypathia in that he was extremely sensitive to daylight, and recommended wearing sunglasses when outside, even when it seemed to be cloudy.
3. A condition in which the body is unable to eliminate unoxidizable acids which combine with fixed alkalies of the tissues: The case of oxypathia, also termed oxypathy, is harmful for the organism.
1. Abnormal sharpness of sensation: Since Marc had very tender fingers that hurt when touching and holding things, he wore gloves because of his oxypathy.
2. A condition in which an organism is unable to eliminate acids that cannot be oxidized: When Leonard looked up what oxypathy meant, he learned that it was a poisoning by non-fixation of acids that couldn't not be oxidized.
2. A condition in which an organism is unable to eliminate acids that cannot be oxidized: When Leonard looked up what oxypathy meant, he learned that it was a poisoning by non-fixation of acids that couldn't not be oxidized.
The study of the diseases of past periods or from previous times: Paleopathology pertains to the research of infections and afflictions in bodies preserved from ancient times, such as in mummies and in fossilised animals.
Any disease of the gland close to the stomach: Pancreatitis is one type of pancreatopathy that should be taken very seriously.
A universal feeling which is shared by everyone: Most people have panpathies about living healthy lives as much as they can.
parasympathetic (adjective) (not comparable)
Of, pertaining to, or designating one of the major divisions of the autonomic nervous system: The parasympathetic nervous system is distinguished from the sympathetic system by its place of origin, its use of acetylcholine as a transmitter, and its general association with rest and recuperation rather than alertness.
An outdated term for any diseased state or morbid condition: Because of a serious disorder of pathema, Janet was recommended to stay in hospital another week in order for more examinations to take place.
1. Another expression for pathology: Pathematology is used especially in the field of psychopathology whereby mental and behavioral disorders are researched.
2. In philosophy, the doctrine of the effects on the mind of pleasure and pain: The principle of pathematology refers mainly to the impact of emotions or passions on an individual.
2. In philosophy, the doctrine of the effects on the mind of pleasure and pain: The principle of pathematology refers mainly to the impact of emotions or passions on an individual.
One pole of a personality dimension: Pathemia is characterized by emotional immaturity with poorly focused feelings rather than realistic and objective attitudes.
Any bodily malfunction or defect that interferes with an individual's psychological adjustment: Jane's parents thought that she wasn't developing emotionally like the other children of her age, and when Jane and her parents went to see Dr. Savage, he diagnosed her as having a case of pathergasia, and recommended she go to a specialist for further diagnosis.