(Greek > Latin: a suffix that is used to form hundreds of words that mean: similar to, resembling, like, characterized by, or of the nature of)
This element is also utilized to form abstract nouns; feminine common nouns; and it is used in chemistry to form names of alkaloids and bases or names of elements.
tapirine: tapirs
A reference to tapirs.
taurine (adjective), more taurine, most taurine
1. Pertaining to, or resembling a bull: In the game of pantomime at the birthday party, Jack assumed a bovine or taurine pose for the others to guess!
2. Referring to bull-fighting: Taurine contests involve people and animals in an attempt to physically subdue the animal, or even kill it, and is accomplished by certain rules or in the way the culture in that particular country uses.
3. Relating to the zodiacal sign Taurus: In the celestial sphere, the taurine figure in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere close to Orion and Aries is said to influence people born between April 21 and May 22.
4. Etymology: from Greek tauros, "bull"; from Latin taurinus "bull" + the chemical suffix -ine, because it was first found in ox bile which aids in the digestion of fats in the duodenum.

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2. Referring to bull-fighting: Taurine contests involve people and animals in an attempt to physically subdue the animal, or even kill it, and is accomplished by certain rules or in the way the culture in that particular country uses.
3. Relating to the zodiacal sign Taurus: In the celestial sphere, the taurine figure in the sky in the Northern Hemisphere close to Orion and Aries is said to influence people born between April 21 and May 22.
4. Etymology: from Greek tauros, "bull"; from Latin taurinus "bull" + the chemical suffix -ine, because it was first found in ox bile which aids in the digestion of fats in the duodenum.

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tetraonine: grouse
A reference to grouse and ptarmigans.
textrine: weaving
Of or pertaining to weaving.
tigrine: tiger
Of, pertaining to, or resembling a tiger, especially in marking or coloring.
tolypeutine: armadillos
A reference to armadillos.
tringine: sandpipers
A reference to sandpipers.
turdine: thrushes, bluebirds, robins
A reference to thrushes; such as, bluebirds and robins.
univoltine: silkworms
1. Of certain silkworms: producing one brood per annum.
2. There are multivoltines.
2. There are multivoltines.
Some species produce one, two, three, four, six, or even eight broods per annum, and in the commercial world are distinguished as, univoltines, bivoltins, trivoltins, quadrivoltins, etc.
ursine: bear, bears
Of the nature of, resembling or having the essential characteristics of, a bear; consisting of bears.
1. Having the same mother, but not the same father.
2. A reference to, or belonging to, the uterus.
3. Situated in, or connected with, the womb.
2. A reference to, or belonging to, the uterus.
3. Situated in, or connected with, the womb.
vaccine: cows, cow pox
1. A suspension of deactivated, or killed microorganisms, (bacteria, viruses, or rickettsiae), or of antigenic proteins derived from them, administered for the prevention, amelioration, or treatment of infectious diseases.
2. Etymology: derived from, pertaining to, or relating to, cows. From Latin vaccinus "pertaining to cows", from vacca, "cow" (from the use of cowpox virus inoculation for immunization against smallpox).
2. Etymology: derived from, pertaining to, or relating to, cows. From Latin vaccinus "pertaining to cows", from vacca, "cow" (from the use of cowpox virus inoculation for immunization against smallpox).
Appearing in, characteristic of, the disease of cow-pox.
A material which can either be live, but weakened forms of pathogens; such as, bacteria or viruses, killed or inactivated forms of these pathogens; or purified material; such as, proteins.
vespertilionine: bats
Comprising or consisting of a large distinct group of insectivorous bats included in the sub-order Microchiroptera.
vespertine: evening
Of, relating to, or occurring in the evening.
vespine: wasp
Of, relating to, or resembling a wasp or wasps.