sauro-, saur-, -saurus, -saurid, -saur,
-sauria, -saurian +
(Greek: lizard, reptile, serpent; used especially with reference to "dinosaurs")
“Tugulu lizard” from Early Cretaceous Sinkiang, northwest China. Named by Chinese paleontologist Zhiming Dong in 1973.
“Toujiang (Tuo River) lizard” from Late Jurassic Tuojiang (Tuo Jiang), a river in Sichuan Province, near Zigong City, China. Named by Chinese paleontologists Zhiming Dong, Li K., Shiwu Zhou, and Yihong Zhang in 1977.
A “swollen lizard” from Late Cretaceous Kansas and New Zealand, but it is not considered a dinosaur.
In zoology, one of the dinosaurs in the family Tyrannosauridae: In Finn's book there was a picture of a Tyrannosaurid which was a very large bipedal carnivorous theropod dinosaur that lived in the Late Cretaceous in North America.
A very large carnivorous dinosaur of the genus Tyrannosaurus: The Tyrannosaurus is a "tyrant (despot) lizard” from Late Cretaceous western North America and China. This fossil has also been called "Dynamosaurus", "Tarbosaurus", and "Manospondylus". It was named by the U.S. paleontologist Henry Fairfield Osborn in 1905.
An “ugly lizard” from Scandinavian ugro, "ugly". A Triceratops. Named by Emily A. Cobabe and David E. Fastovsky in 1987.
This nomenclature (“Uinta lizard” [County in Utah where it was discovered]) is no longer recognized by scientists because they found that it described an animal that was previously given another name which is Camarasaurus. Named by William J. Holland in 1919.
An “ultra (excessive) lizard” from Late Jurassic western Colorado, USA. Discovered in Colorado by dinosaur digger U. S. paleontologist James A. Jensen of Brigham Young University, this extremely large dinosaur was formerly known as Supersaurus. The name was changed to Ultrasauros because it was previously claimed for a South Korean specimen. Named by Korean paleontologist Haang Mook Kim in 1983.
“Unquillo River lizard” from Late Cretaceous northwest Argentina. The fossil was found in the Candaleria region of Salta Province, Argentina. Named by Jaime Eduardo Powell in 1979.
A “weald (wealden) lizard” from Early Cretaceous southern England and Niger in West Africa. It was named for the Early Cretaceous Wealden deposits in which its fossils were found. Named by British paleontologist Peter M. Galton in 1977.
A “monitor lizard” that was a mammal-like reptile which was not a dinosaur. It lived during the Early Permian in what is now Texas and Oklahoma.
A "bar lizard" from Early Cretaceous Isle of Wight, England. It is also known as, "spike lizard" or "Isle of Wight lizard". Named by J. W. Hulke in 1879.
A “swift lizard” from Late Cretaceous South America. Named by Argentinian paleontologist José Bonaparte in 1991.
A “Vyushkov’s lizard” from Middle Triassic Russia. It was named in honor of Boris Pavlovich V’yushkov (1926-1958), a Russian vertebrate paleontologust, for a form found in the Donguz River region of the southern Urals region of Russia. Named by Russian paleontologist V. G. Ochev in 1982.
“Wannan lizard” from Early Cretaceous China. It was named for the Chinese provinnce where its incomplete skeleton was found. Named by Chinese paleontologist Lianhai Hou in 1977.