sauro-, saur-, -saurus, -saurid, -saur,
-sauria, -saurian +
(Greek: lizard, reptile, serpent; used especially with reference to "dinosaurs")
A “slender lizard” from Late Cretaceous Europe. Named by British paleontologist Harry Govier Seeley (1839-1909) in 1881.
This nomenclature (“Rhone River lizard”) is no longer recognized by scientists because they found that it described an animal that was previously given another name which is Struthiosaurus. Named by Franz Baron Nopcsa in 1929.
“Roetos (Trojan) lizard” gets its name from a giant of Greek and Roman mythology and comes from Middle Jurassic eastern Australia. Named by J. Heber Longman in 1925.
A “robust lizard” from Early Jurassic Europe. Named by Harry Govier Seeleyin 1874.
Mammal-like reptiles from Late Triassic period.
“Rioariba lizard” or “Rioa Arriba lizard” from Late Triassic New Mexico. Named for Rio Arriba County, New Mexico. Note that the name Rioarribasaurus was put on the Official Index of Rejected and Invalid Generic Names in Zoology (1996), and cannot be used as a valid name in taxonomic literature. Apparently it is now supposed to be Coelophysis. Named by Adrian Paul Hunt and Frederic Augustus Lucas (1852-1929) in 1991.
“La Rioja lizard” from Late Triassic and Early Jurassic northwest Argentina’s La Rioja Province in the Los Colorados Formation. Formerly known as Strenusaurus. Named by Argentinian paleontologist José Bonaparte in 1969.
“Rocco lizard” from Late Triassic southern Africa.
“Salta lizard” from Late Cretaceous Salta Province, northwest Argentina and Uruguay. Named by paleontologists José Bonaparte and Jaime Eduardo Powell in 1980.
A "Sangonghe lizard" from Xinjiang, China, in either Jurassic or Late Cretaceous rocks. Named by Zijin Zhao in 1983.
“Sanpa lizard” from Middle Jurassic south-central China. It is said to be named for the Sanba, an ancient name for Sichuan Province, China. Named by Chinese paleontologist Yang Zhong-jian (also known as: Chung Chien Young) in 1946.
A “flesh lizard” from Early Jurassic England. Named by U. S. fossil hunter Roy Chapman Andrews (1884-1960) in 1921.
Lizards; large and diverse suborder of reptiles consisting of 3300 species in 17 families.
1. Lizard; any of a former suborder of reptiles that included all lizards.
2. Relating to or resembling a lizard.
2. Relating to or resembling a lizard.
Order of dinosaurs, “lizard hipped”, characterized by the lizard-type hip; includes large bipedal carnivores and large quadripedal herbivores. This major groupng of dinosaurs consists of theoropods and sauropods.