sauro-, saur-, -saurus, -saurid, -saur,
-sauria, -saurian +
(Greek: lizard, reptile, serpent; used especially with reference to "dinosaurs")
A “Nemegt lizard” from Late Cretaceous Nemegt Basin (rock beds), in the Gobi desert, southern Mongolia; where it was discovered. Named by Aleksander Nowinski in 1971.
This nomenclature (“unique lizard” [from Greek neos, “new”) is no longer recognized by scientists because they found that it described an animal that was previously given another name which is Hypsibema. Named by U. S. paleontologist Charles Whitney Gilmore and Stewart in 1945.
A “Neuquen lizard” from Late Cretaceous Argentina. It was found in Neuquen Province, Argentina. Named by Jaime Eduardo Powell in 1992.
A nomen nudum lizard (a name that has been published or mentioned without a proper and complete description); from Jurassic China. Named by Zijin Zhao in 1983.
A “Neckar River lizard” from Late Triassic Europe, South America, and possibly in North America (although this is challenged). This fossil name is based on the ancient Latin name for the Neckar River in southern Germany. Named by O. Fraas in 1866.
A “Niobrara lizard” from Late Cretaceous Kansas. It was named for the Niobrara Chalk Formation in Kansas. Named by Kenneth Carpenter (Denver Museum of Natural History), Dilkes, and David B. Weishampel in 1995.
A “Japanese lizard” from Late Cretaceous Japan. Its bones came from a mine on Sakhalin Island, once part of Japan, when in 1945, after World War II; all of Sakhalin Island came under the authority of the Soviet Union (now the Russian Federation) and the Japanese population was repatriated. Named by Japanese paleontologist Koichi Nagai in 1936.
A “northwestern Argentina lizard” from Late Cretaceous Argentina. It was found in Salta province, northwest Argentina. It was named from the Spanish abbreviation for “noroeste Argentina”, the region including Salta Province. Named by Argentinian paleontologist José Bonaparte and Jaime Eduardo Powell in 1980.
A “knob-headed lizard” from Late Cretaceous New Mexico. It was found in the Kirtland Formation, San Juan County, New Mexico. Named by Robert M. Sullivan in 1999.
One division of the ankyloaurs, a group of armored, plant-eating, ornithischian dinosaurs with spikes running along the sides of their bodies.
This “knob (node) lizard” from Early Cretaceous North America (Wyoming and Kansas). Named by paleontologist Othniel Charles Marsh (1831-1899) in 1889.
A nothosaur, a reptile with flipper-like limbs that lived both on land and in the water similar to the modern-day seal. It is believed to have lived during the Triassic period. Fossils were found in what is now Europe (Germany, the Netherlands, and Switzerland), North Africa, and Asia (China, Israel, and Russia).
It was not a dinosaur but another type of reptile.
A “Nyasa lizard” from Middle Triassic near Lake Nyasa, in Tanzania. Named by English paleontologist Alan J. Charig in 1967.
A “night (bat) lizard” from Late Cretaceous North America.
An “Ohmden’s lizard” from Early Jurassic near Ohmden, in Holzmaden, Germany. Named by paleontologist Rupert Wild in 1978.