philo-, phil-, -phile, -philia, -philic, -philous, -phily, -philiac, -philist, -philism
These are just a few of the meanings set up for the etymological meanings of philo- which comes to us from Greek.
In biology, there are many words that use philo-, phil- to mean "thriving in such and such a place or situation; or exhibiting a tendency for a specified condition" for its existence.
Other meanings include: "strongly attracted to; such as, an organism that loves or is strongly attracted to something which is specified".
In psychology and psychiatry, -phile, -philia, etc. use this element as a word termination indicating an abnormal craving or attraction to or an affinity for an object as shown by the word stems to which they are affixed.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
A fondness for animals: Since Mary had a case of philotherianism, but wasn't allowed to have a pet at home, her family went to the zoo as often as possible and her parents bought many animal books for her.
(s) (noun), philotherms
1. In biology, the situation of a plant that thrives in a warm climate: On the internet Lynn found out that philotherm also applied to vegetables, like sweet potatoes, hot peppers, zucchinis, and squashes.
2. A plant that completes its life cycle only in a warm environment: A biennia plant is a philotherm that takes two years to conclude its cycle of life in a normally temperate climate.
(s) (noun), philothermias; philothermies
The condition of life forms that thrive in and prefer a warm climate: In her biology class at school, Meg learned about philothermia that related to the existence of some animals, including the garter snake, the blackbird, and the hippopotamus
(adjective), more philothermic, most philothermic
A reference to an existence in a warm climate: Some
philothermic plants that are heat-tolerant and thrive well in such environments are the lemon verbena, the marigold, and the geranium.
A few philothermic animals that have a preference for warm habitats are the African penguin, the sea lion, and the meerkat.
(s) (noun), philothermies
The condition of heat or warmth: Some animals that live in a situation of philothermy are the African penguin, the sea lion, and the meerkat.
(s) (noun), philoxenisms
The situation of being hospitable to or entertaining strangers: While playing the piano for some people he wasn't acquainted with, Tom was experiencing philoxenism, and found out that this was really what he always wanted to do!
(s) (noun), philoxenists
One who is fond of or who is happiest when entertaining strangers: Sometimes parents invited Jack and Jill, the professional philoxenists, to put on circus acts for their children's birthday parties.
(s) (noun), philtra
1. The vertical and shallow groove going down the external and middle surface of the face below the nose and above the upper lip: The primary meaning of
philtrum is said to be "love potion" which indicates that this facial feature has seductive or attractive and alluring powers.
2. Etymology: from ancient Greek
philtron then from Latin
philtrum, "love charm"; literally, "a means to make oneself beloved";
phileo, "to love, to kiss".
(s) (noun), phonophilists
A collector of gramophones: Not only did the elderly Mr. Hathaway have a nice assortment of old record players, but also of old disks (records) that he listened to almost every day. Among his friends, who were also phonophilists, he had the finest collection of old and valuable records.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The collecting of phonograph records: Mrs. Thompson, a phonophile, enjoyed phonophily, which was her hobby, and loved her wonderful selection of old phonograph records and played them on her old phonographs at least twice a month.
(s) (noun), photophiles
A form of life that grows of a life form where there is abundant light: Some plants that are photophiles are the moss rose, the zinnia and the marigold, all of which love lots of sunlight!
(s) (noun) (no pl)
A partiality to grow in bright sunlight: In the article on photophilia, Vanessa read that certain plants, like the sunflower or zinnia, thrive best where there is lots of sunshine the whole day.
photophilic, photophilous
(adjective); more photophilic, most photophilic; more photophilous, most photophilous
Descriptive of a form of life that desires light or is especially fond of light: A few photophilic animals, like the marine iguana and the African penguin, are sun lovers and like the heat of the day.
(s) (noun), phreatophiles
An organism that thrives in groundwater environments: There are many microbes, or phreatophiles, like protozoa, viruses, and bacteria, that exist in wells and springs.
(adjective), more phreatophilous, most phreatophilous
In biology, referring to a life form that thrives in groundwater habitats: Common phreatophilous bacteria are found in the drinking water of springs and wells.

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