philo-, phil-, -phile, -philia, -philic, -philous, -phily, -philiac, -philist, -philism
These are just a few of the meanings set up for the etymological meanings of philo- which comes to us from Greek.
In biology, there are many words that use philo-, phil- to mean "thriving in such and such a place or situation; or exhibiting a tendency for a specified condition" for its existence.
Other meanings include: "strongly attracted to; such as, an organism that loves or is strongly attracted to something which is specified".
In psychology and psychiatry, -phile, -philia, etc. use this element as a word termination indicating an abnormal craving or attraction to or an affinity for an object as shown by the word stems to which they are affixed.
(adjective), more philosophic, most philosophic
1. Pertaining to an explanation of the concepts of the meanings of life and of whatever is best: Whenever Tom was in a
philosophic mood, he always looked very thoughtful and was concerned about how he could help others who were having difficult problems.
2. Referring to a conception of thoughts about the best way to live or how to accomplish important objectives: Carol had
philosophic procedures for being successful in achieving something that is of value or worthwhile.
3. Characterizing a quiet and sensible frame of mind; being reasonable and sensible: It was good that Lisa had such a
philosophic attitude of calmness when she was told that she would have to wait a little longer until the mechanic could finish repairing the water pump in her car.
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(adjective), more philosophical, most philosophical
Descriptive of a person who claims universal knowledge: There are some philosophical people who are convinced that they are well-informed and understand or can explain everything.
philosophical pessimism
(s) (noun), philosophical pessimisms
A description of a tendency to believe that life has negative values, or that this world is as bad as it can possibly be: There are some people who advocate philosophical pessimism and are convinced that life's existence in the world is full of pains and suffering, and that life is totally meaningless and without purpose.
(adverb), more philosophically, most philosophically
Concerning how the principles of philosophy are conceived composedly, wisely, and rationally: James was very thoughtful and said philosophically, "It's not a bad life at all."
(verb), philosophizes; philosophized; philosophizing
1. To reflect or to speculate about serious topics of life sometimes in a boring or pretentious way: Many of the students in the seminar were almost going to sleep because the professor was
philosophizing in a very monotonous voice about the meaning of life.
2. To ponder or think about a system of moral principles, usually in a serious way for a long time: After teaching for about 25 years, Mr. Jackson
philosophized about the importance of preparing students for more productive lives.
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(s) (noun), philosophizers
A type of thinker who deliberates on conditions from a philosophical angle: Arthur's uncle seemed to be a philosophizer who speculated on many different situations, often in a superficial manner.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
A strong mistrust of philosophy or of philosophers: Jessica was very apprehensive of the wisdom of understanding the nature of art, love, ethics, the universe, etc. thinking that it didn't help her in her life at all, and her friends considered her to be afflicted with philosophobia!
(s) (noun), philosophunculists
Someone who tries to impress other people with his or her knowledge which actually is just a pretense: The new boy in Greg's class turned out to be a philosophunculist who bragged and showed off with false information that the teacher corrected right away.
(s) (noun), philosophies
Supposedly the study of ideas about truth and the nature and meaning of life: Greg's
philosophy is to "live and let live".
As a lexicographer, John's philosophy is to provide a dictionary with contents about entries that people can actually understand without being confused with the use of the another form of the same word to define it. For example, "an alcoholic is someone who drinks alcohol" or "an anthropologist is someone who studies anthropology".
Someone once wrote that philosophy is a system where both the speaker and the listener, to whom he is speaking, do not understand each other.
The early Greeks named their manner of studying the universe "philosophia" which is now understood to be philosophy, meaning "lover of knowledge" or, in a free translation, "the desire to know".
Fond of or devoted to the arts; especially, the industrial arts.
(adjective), more philothaumaturgic, most philothaumaturgic
A reference to an individual who has a fondness for works of wonder or miracles: As a philothaumaturgic person, Jack loved to collect and read literature about the phenomenons and amazing occurrences that had been recorded in the world.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The love of God: Mrs. Simmons believed in philotheism and was an ardent church-goer.
(s) (noun), philotheists
A person who loves God: Philotheists are those who have a love of and devotion to God.
(s) (noun), philotherians
Someone who has a special love for animals: Ever since Janice was a child, she loved her pets and considered herself a philotherian, and so her objective was to study and become a veterinarian someday.
(adjective), more philotherian, most philotherian
Relating to someone who is fond of animals and devotes his or her life to taking care of them: Marvin was a
philotherian worker at a zoo which involved a great deal of commitment and dedication to providing the best environments and food supplies possible for the animals living there.
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