philo-, phil-, -phile, -philia, -philic, -philous, -phily, -philiac, -philist, -philism
These are just a few of the meanings set up for the etymological meanings of philo- which comes to us from Greek.
In biology, there are many words that use philo-, phil- to mean "thriving in such and such a place or situation; or exhibiting a tendency for a specified condition" for its existence.
Other meanings include: "strongly attracted to; such as, an organism that loves or is strongly attracted to something which is specified".
In psychology and psychiatry, -phile, -philia, etc. use this element as a word termination indicating an abnormal craving or attraction to or an affinity for an object as shown by the word stems to which they are affixed.
From Greek Mythology,
Philomela was a princess of Athens who, after being raped by her brother-in-law, Tereus, was avenged by her sister, Procne, and was later turned into a swallow or nightingale while fleeing Tereus.
We now have the word philomel, a nightingale.
(s) (noun), philomythists
A person who loves myths, symbols, and legends: Mrs. Thompson adored reading tales, fables, and fairy tales and was noted among her friends as being a philomythist.
(s) (noun), philoneists
One who loves trends and fads: In comparison to a misoneist, who dislikes the most recent innovations and novelties, a philoneist is a person who is an obsessed follower of the newest fashions and latest vogue.
(s) (noun), philonoists
A seeker of knowledge: Finn, a philonoist, was always reading scientific books and other non-fictional literature about hir favorite topic of dinosaurs.
(adjective), more philonomic, most philonomic
The equitable sharing of wealth without interest charges: The philonomic free exchange of information and ideas contribute to the well-being of humanity in the present and for future generations.
(adjective), more philonomical, most philonomical
Concerning one's responsible and generous conduct in a manner in keeping with one's own health, happiness, and well-being that does not harm human life support systems: Philonomical behavior relates to sustainability, international social justice, and human rights.
(s) (noun) (no po)
The study of the "equitable production" and "fair distribution of goods and services" in a sustainable manner:
Philonomics is related to the fair and equitable development and regulation of human and material resources of a community or nation in a manner that does not undermine basic human needs in the present nor the ability of future generations to meet their needs.
A reference to international social justice and the ecologically sustainable production and fair distribution of material wealth and knowledge.
(s) (noun), philonomists
An adviser and researcher on matters pertaining to the equitable and environmental implications of wealth creation and distribution with regard to international social justice, human rights, and life support systems: A philonomist is also someone who promotes and encourages local trade and local currency systems and engages in supporting research and development.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The theory of the sustainable and equitable production and distribution of wealth consistent with providing all of humanity with their basic needs and ensuring that future generations can meet theirs:
Philonomy cold be the measure of a community's internationally accepted targets for social justice, human rights, and sustainability.
Philonomy is said to be the administration of a community's sustainable development program.
(s) (noun), philopaters
1. A love of one’s father: Little Tommy was a philopater who simply adored his father!
2. A fondness for one’s country:: As a philopater, Jack thought the land where he lived was terrific, so he decided to find a job where he could be an important part in its development.
(adjective), more philopatric, most philopatric
Conveying a tendency to remain in the native locality; referring to species or grouips that show little capacity to spread out or to disperse: Some plants are philopatric in that their reproductive elements stay close to their area of origin and do not dispurse into far places.
(s) (noun), philopatridomanias
An irresistible urge to return home; homesickness: When away on a foreign exchange program in Germany, one of the students was afflicted with
philopatridomania and flew back to his family within a month of his stay.
It is not uncommon for young students to have a case of philopatridomania, if it is the very fist time to be away from home and family.
A case of philopatridomania can also be a compulsion to return to one’s native land, as seen in prisoners of war.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
A tendency to remain in a native locality:
Philopatry is seen in species or groups that show little capacity to spread out or to scatter abroad.
Philopatry can also be described as the inclination of an organism to stay in, or return to, its home area.
(s) (noun), philophasters
A shallow philosophical dabbler or poseur; pseudothinker: Sam was a
philophaster who assumed an attitude, character, and manner to impress his acquaintances.
A philophaster can also be described as an amateur or superficial and incompetent philosopher.
(s) (noun), philophilists
A collector of words for collectors: Mr. Smith loved terms and expressions and he started writing down interesting, outdated, and old-fashioned expressions and terms for his children, and could be called a philophilis.
The word philophilist was coined by Paul Dickson.

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Related "love, fondness" units: