philo-, phil-, -phile, -philia, -philic, -philous, -phily, -philiac, -philist, -philism
These are just a few of the meanings set up for the etymological meanings of philo- which comes to us from Greek.
In biology, there are many words that use philo-, phil- to mean "thriving in such and such a place or situation; or exhibiting a tendency for a specified condition" for its existence.
Other meanings include: "strongly attracted to; such as, an organism that loves or is strongly attracted to something which is specified".
In psychology and psychiatry, -phile, -philia, etc. use this element as a word termination indicating an abnormal craving or attraction to or an affinity for an object as shown by the word stems to which they are affixed.
(s) (noun), hydrophiles
1. In zoology, an organism that grows in the presence of water: The Spiderwort, the African violet, and the Chinese Evergreen are all considered to be a hydrophiles because they need water to survive.
2. In chemistry, a substance that is able to absorb water: One hydrophile is sodium polyacrylate that can take in about 500 to 1000 times its weight in water which takes only a few seconds!
(adjective), more hydrophilic, most hydrophilic
In chemistry, referring to a substance having an affinity for the absorption of water: A
hydrophilic element can disosolve in water, can be wetted by water, or even mix with water.
Hydrophilic salts can become liquid when moisture is absorbed from the air.
(adjective), more hydrophilous, most hydrophilous
1. Pertaining to an organism that thrives in wet or aquatic habitats: Hydrophilous angiosperms are subaqueous or subaquatic species that live below the surface of the water.
2. In botany, descriptive of a plant that that is pollinated by waterborne pollen: Waterweeds and pondweeds are hydrophilous plants that are fertilized by pollen floating and driving on the surface of the water.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The occurrence of water-aided pollination: Surface hydrophily is quite rare in which only 2% of pollination takes place.
(s) (noun), hydrotribophiles
A plant or animal that thrives in badlands: There are many animals that live in arid or semi-arid areas with scanty vegetation and marked surface erosion, including chuckwallas, lizards, jackrabbits, and rattlesnakes.
Many tortoises and birds are also hydrotribophiles that exist in barren land having roughly eroded ridges, peaks, and mesas.
(adjective), more hydrotribophilous, mopst hydrotribophilous
Descriptive of an organism living in arid or semi-arid areas: Two hydrotribophilous mammals are the pronghorn antelope and the jackrabbit that habitat not only the semi-arid deserts, but also priories and grasslands.
(s) (noun), hygrophiles
An organism thriving in moist habitats: Most plants do not do well in wet areas, but some do like the monkey flower. blue vervain. and the daylily, which are all hygrophiles.
hygrophilic, hygrophilous
(adjective); more hygrophilic, most hygrophilic; more hygrophilous, most hygrophilous
A description of vegetation that is adapted to growing in damp places: Jack read about some hygrophilic plants preferring wet soil, like the Indian grass and cordgrass.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The occurrence of an organism preferring life in moist habitats or places: Hygrophily describes how some plants have adapted well to damp areas, like the Japanese primrose and the marsh marigold.
(s) (noun), hylodophiles
A form of life that exists in dry open woodland: Dry woody plants, or hylodophiles, thrive in dry forest areas.
(adjective), more hylodophilous, most hylodophilous
Pertaining to an animal or plant that loves living in dry woods: There are some hylodophilous plants that thrive in wooded areas and among them are the foxglove, the sweet woodruff and wood sage.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The situation of a life form thriving in dry open woodland areas: After looking for more information about hylodophily for her homework, Violet found out that such plants as the red campion and wood anemones grow well in such areas.
(s) (noun), hylophiles
One who has an affinity for forests: Sam was a real hylophile because he loved camping each vacation in the woods, and then he decided to live permanently in the woods.
(s) (adjective), more hylophilous, most hylophilous
Descriptive of an animal or vegetation that thrives in the forest: There are many hylophilous plants in a woodland, including a wildflowers, shrubs, and, of course, trees.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
In biology, the circumstance of a life form thriving in or living in forests: Jill found out that hylophily applied to vines and mosses growing in the woods, as well as some animals, like faxes, raccoons, and chipmunks dwelling there, too!

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