philo-, phil-, -phile, -philia, -philic, -philous, -phily, -philiac, -philist, -philism
These are just a few of the meanings set up for the etymological meanings of philo- which comes to us from Greek.
In biology, there are many words that use philo-, phil- to mean "thriving in such and such a place or situation; or exhibiting a tendency for a specified condition" for its existence.
Other meanings include: "strongly attracted to; such as, an organism that loves or is strongly attracted to something which is specified".
In psychology and psychiatry, -phile, -philia, etc. use this element as a word termination indicating an abnormal craving or attraction to or an affinity for an object as shown by the word stems to which they are affixed.
(s) (noun), aelurophilies
A very strong affection for cats: Abigail's grandmother had such an
aelurophily for cats that she usually had a dozen or more of them living with her.
(s) (noun), aerohygrophiles
Plants or animals that flourish in high and very damp altitudes: A good example of an aerohygrophile is the cinnamon teal, a water fowl living in the Andes and also in the nearby lowlands.
(adjective) (not comparable)
In botany, relating to aerial and hydrophilous vegetation: In her botany class, Sandy learned all about aerohygrophilous plants which were acclimatized for thriving in a high atmospheric humidity being moist or even wet.
(s) (noun), aerohygrophilies
Vegetation or animal life which luxuriate in exceedingly lofty areas: Two example of aerohygrophilies can be the alpine aster and the bergenia that both grow in mountainous regions.
Referring to a collection of stamps which are used for sending mail by aircraft: Jack had an aerophilatelic accumulation of envelopes with airmail stamps and cancellations which he had to sort through and arrange for his stamp books.
(s) (noun), aerophilatelies
The collecting of airmail stamps: Jack had a new hobby of aerophilately, and not only did he start accumulating stamps from all over the world, but he also studied the cancellations on the stamps and envelopes which he also saved.
(s) (noun), aerophilatists
A person who amasses or collects postage stamps used for faster delivery via airplanes: Tom had a collection of interesting and old airmail stamps and was a noted aerophilatist in his town.
(s) (noun), aerophiles
1. A person who loves aviation: Raymond's next-door neighbor was an aerophile who was a total fan of flying, and even had his own full-sized glider!
2. A plant pollinated by wind: Martin had a lovely garden which had lots of aerophiles that were all fertilized by airborne pollen.
3. The name of a French company that has tethered helium bags which can float in the air: The Aerophile company has balloons each of which is restrained by a cable attached to the ground or a vehicle so they cannot float freely and they operate as tourist attractions around the world.
Pertaining to the necessity of air for proper growth; aerobic: Aerophilic microorganisms flourish best in the proximity of molecular oxygen.
(adjective), more aerophilous, most aerophilous
A reference to plants which are pollinated by the wind or fertilized by airborne pollen: Aerophilous plants can grow very well in exposed windy habitats because the environment is full of oxygen!
(s) (noun), aerophilies
A plant which thrives in exposed windy habitats: Flowers of some trees or bushes are aerophilies and are pollinated by wind or fertilized by airborne pollen.
(adjective), more agglutinophilic, most agglutinophilic
Pertaining to the process of being readily united, as if by glue:
Agglutinophilic processes involve suspended bacteria, cells, or other particles forming into clumps, usually as a result of some antibody which is developed by white blood cells to neutralize an antigen or foreign protein in the body.
The agglutinophilic antibodies that are formed are intended to help the body to counteract or to destroy the invading microorganisms which can be dangerous to one's health.
(s) (noun), agrophiles
Anything that thrives in farm lands: Mr. Black was a farmer and was always interested in new agrophiles that would grow well in his cultivated land with good soil.
(adjective), more agrophilous, most agrophilous
1. A reference to organisms in agricultural soils: Some agrophilous life forms that thrive in cultivated soil include earthworms, ants, insects, and bacteria.
2. Relating to a natural existence in grain fields: Some agrophilous birds not only use crops as a source of food, but also really live and nest in cultivated fields of grain.
(s) (noun), agrophilies
A state, a condition, or a process of living and thriving where crops are grown: Tony learned in his biology course at college how important it was to know the situation of agrophily for a season's growth of grain.

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