philo-, phil-, -phile, -philia, -philic, -philous, -phily, -philiac, -philist, -philism
These are just a few of the meanings set up for the etymological meanings of philo- which comes to us from Greek.
In biology, there are many words that use philo-, phil- to mean "thriving in such and such a place or situation; or exhibiting a tendency for a specified condition" for its existence.
Other meanings include: "strongly attracted to; such as, an organism that loves or is strongly attracted to something which is specified".
In psychology and psychiatry, -phile, -philia, etc. use this element as a word termination indicating an abnormal craving or attraction to or an affinity for an object as shown by the word stems to which they are affixed.
Regarding a plant that can be fertilised by dew: Susan wondered if plants could be drosophilous and be pollinated by those little drops of condensed water.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
In biology, the occurrence of a plant being pollinated or fertilized through the agency of dew: Tom found out that the situation of drosophily is rather poor on cold or rainy days.
(s) (noun), electrophiles
1. A chemical compound or group that is attracted to electrons and tends to accept electrons: An
electrophile is a molecule, or compound, that doesn’t have enough electrons and will tend to take them from another molecule, or compound, with an excess of electrons.
An electrophile, or a chemical species with an affinity for electrons, is reactive with species rich in electrons.
An ion or molecule that is an electrophile has a partial or complete positive charge, so that it can accept an electron pair or share an electron pair with another atom.
(adjective), more electrophilic, most electrophilic
Relating to a chemical or ion that receives additional electrons: An
electrophilic process is one in which electrons are acquired from or shared with another atom or molecule.
Electrophilic activity involves the affinity for electrons whereby a bond is formed when an ion or molecule (the electrophilic agent) accepts a pair of electrons from a nucleophilic ion or molecule.
electrophilic reagent
(s) (noun), electrophilic reagents
A molecule that forms a bond with another molecule by accepting an electron pair during a chemical reaction: An electrophilic reagent accepts an electron pair from a molecule with which it forms a covalent bond (number of pairs of electrons an atom can share).
(s) (noun), electrophilicities
The condition or having an affinity or attraction for electrons: Electrophilicity refers to a chemical compound or group that is attracted to electrons and which tends to accept electrons.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
The attraction of a chemical group to electrons: Jack read about electrophily as being the motive of chemical compounds into accepting or taking on electrons.
(s) (noun), entomophiles
1, A flower that has its pollen carried by insects and not by air or the wind: Such entomophiles, such as the flowers of the papaya, are fertilized by honey bees, moths, butterflies, and large sphinx moths.
2. A person who is fond of insects: Sam was certainly interested in in bugs and went to the library many times to check out books relating to these forms of life.
(noun), more entomophilic, most entomophilic
Pertaining to the pollination by insects: Efficient entomophilic processes take place when bees, flies, wasps, butterflies, and moths visit many plants in a very short time!
(adjective), more entomophilous, most entomophilous
Relating to the pollination of flowers by insects: Entomophilous plants require bugs for normal pollination and the flowers of the orchids and irises are especially attractive for the insects.
(s) (noun), entomophilies
Plants that are pollinated by insects: Entomophily involves the deposit by bugs of microscopic grains that are discharged from the male part of a flower or plant which allows fertilization of such vegetation.
ephemerophile, ephemerophilist
(s) (noun); ephemerophiles; ephemerophilists
A person who collects theater programs: Mildred loved going to the theater, and, as an ephemerophilist, always saved the programs, many of which had autographs of the actors and actresses!
(s) (noun), eremophiles
A form of life that thrives in desert areas: Different eremophiles, like cacti, succulents, and windflowers, all prefer existing in desert regions.
(s) (noun), eremophilias
1. A pathological wish to be alone: Mary's parents were quite concerned that their daughter never went out to play with other children, or invite them over. They discussed the problem with their doctor who diagnosed Mary as having a case of eremophilia.
2. A plant that loves the desert: Such eremophilias, as the aloe dichotoma, grow best in solitude in the desert.
(noun), more eremophilous, most eremophilous
1. In biology, regarding the existence of a life form in desert regions: Some interesting eremophilous animals prefer life in the desert, like lizards, geckos, jackrabbits, and snakes!
2. In psychiatry, descriptive of a morbid desire to be alone: Jane knew that she suffered from an eremophilous condition, so she went to a specialist who listened to her problem and suggested a possible solution.

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