(s) (noun) (no pl)
Prophecy or fortune telling using printed cards which are used in gambling or games: The system of
cartomancy includes modern packs of cards and even special divination cards that have been produced for this purpose.
Cartomancy is said to originate with gypsies who prognosticated the future and provided guidance as to how to reveal the personality traits of people.
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(s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination by looking into images on the surface of water in a glass or in a magical receptacle: The fairy suggested that the princess follow the signs of
castromancy and view the reflection she saw in the lake in order to see who her prince would be.
If spring water is used in this method or if the diviner uses a sacred pool or spring, then it is termed "pegomancy.
catoptromancy, catoxtromancy, cattobomancy, catoptomancy
(s) (noun); catoptromancies; catoxtromancies; cattobomancies; catoptomancies
Divination with a crystal ball, a lens, mirrors, or other reflective surfaces: At the fortune teller's booth, Mildred, the costumed woman, sat with a crystal ball, ready to practice her
catoptromancy when requested.
The Greeks put metal "mirrors" under the water or held them in a fountain and interpreted the reflections with catoptromancy.
Predictions of catoptromancies were also made by using a glass which was suspended over a holy well. The images on the glass supposedly "revealed" the secrets hidden in the water.
Catoptromancy also included divination based on how a face appeared when it was seen in a "looking glass" underwater.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Prophecy with the use of metal vessels: In her book, Alice read about cattabomancy and that the reflection on the brass receptacle possessed the power to repel demons and devils.
causimomancy, causinomancy
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Prophecy by the action of objects placed in a fire: Greg watched the old chair going up in flames, and wondered, by the method of
causimomancy, if he would have luck in finding a new job.
Considered erroneously, “it is a happy presage when combustible objects don’t burn when thrown into the fire”. This was considered a good omen if something failed to burn or took a long time to catch on fire.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination by interpreting ashes: While watching the last of her old worn-out scarf burn away in the fire, Mildred wondered, by the way of ceneromancy, if John would ever return to her again.
cephalomancy, cephaleonomancy, kephalonomancy
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination by boiling a donkey’s head on burning coals: It was quite gruesome ro read about cephalomancy, that some people of times past believed in, by interpreting the skull of a donkey or goat as it roasted on hot coals.
ceramancy, ceromancy; carromancy
(s) (noun); ceramancies; ceromancies; carromancies
Divination by dropping melted wax into water and observing (interpreting) the figures made there: During the Middle Ages,
ceramancy was performed with wax being melted in a brass container and poured into another vessel containing cold water.
ceraunomancy, keraunomancy
(s) (noun); ceraunomancies, keraunomancies
Divinations, or telling fortunes, by means of activities in the air:
Ceraunomancy involved the action of rain, thunder, lightning, etc.
Ceraunomancy is a form of prophecy involving the interpretation of an omen communicated by thunder.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination by striking copper or brass bowls: In
chalcomancy, such tones made by hitting a brass vessel were given definite interpretation at the ancient Oracle of Dodona.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination, or presages, by observing and interpreting confusion or disorder: Chaomancy is a way of fortune telling by viewing and revealing the meanings of clouds, airborne apparitions, aerial visions, or comets.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination with maps, interpreting inscriptions:
Chartomancy can involve predictions written in invisible ink that appear when papers are heated.
Chartomancy is also practised by interpreting the messages written on greeting cards.
cheiromancy, chiromancy
(s) (noun) chiromancies
Divination by the hand; the art of telling the characters and fortunes of people by inspection of their hands; palmistry: At the fair, Mrs. Green saw that fortunes were being told by the way of
cheiromancy, and so she found out what her future would be like just by showing the palm of her hand.
Ah, yes, your manly hand indicates that there is a new woman who wants to be in your life.
[Her private thought is, I'm hoping that I might be that woman.]
A fortune teller is someone who tells an unmarried man there's a woman in his future, and tells a married man there's a future in his woman.
—Modified from an Evan Esar quote, Esar's Comic Dictionary.
A cheiromantist is a fortune-teller who palms herself off as a hand reading expert or one who sees prosperity on every hand.
—Evan Esar, Esar's Comic Dictionary.
(s) (noun) (no pl)
Divination by interpreting the utterences of a person who is in a frenzy: Chresmomancy, a form of foretelling the future, dates back to the Greek Oracle of Delphi.
(s) (noun), christallomancies
Divination with a crystal ball: After reading about christallomancy, Jill wanted to have a crystal ball of her own so that she could tell her friends what their future lives would be like!
Cross references of word families that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "divination, diviner; seer, soothsayer, prophecy, prophesy, prophet":
fa-, fate;
Fates in action;
sorc-, sorcery;
A cross reference of other word family units that are related directly, or indirectly, to: "chance, luck, fate":