grapho-, graph-, -graph, -graphy, -grapher, -graphia

(Greek: to scratch; to write, to record, to draw, to describe; that which is written or described)

As indicated at the bottom of this page, there is a significantly large number of graphic word-entry groups in this unit. Such an extensive listing is provided to show how important the grapho- element is to the English language.

oceanography (s) (noun) (no pl)
1. The branch of science dealing with the written descriptions of the physical and biological aspects of the oceans: Alice decided to study oceanography because she loved the seas and wanted to learn more about them.
2. The scientific study of all aspects of the world's oceans: Oceanography includes the physical and chemical properties, biology (plants and animals), or life forms, the geological framework, and physical processes, such as the motion of ocean waters.

Physical oceanography normally includes the study of water properties, such as temperature, salinity, density and pressure, and the transmission of electrical, optical, and acoustical stimuli in the oceans.

Biological oceanography applies to the study of all flora and fauna and their ecological adjustments and life cycles in the oceans. Geological oceanography is also concerned with the character of the ocean basins and their rocks and marine sediments.

A method of recording eye positions and movements.
odograph (s) (noun), odographs (pl)
1. An instrument for recording the distance and course traveled by a vehicle.
2. A recording odometer or a pedometer.
3. An instrument for recording courses steered by a vessel with the distances or lengths of time run on each one.
1. Device for determining the degree of uneven surfaces of teeth enamel.
2. An instrument for laying out the forms of gear teeth or ratchets.
3. An instrument for marking or laying off the outlines of the teeth of gear wheels.
A reference to written descriptions and histories of teeth.
1. Descriptive anatomy of the teeth.
2. A description of the teeth.
A written description of odors.
oleograph (s) (noun), oleographs (pl)
A picture produced in oil colors similar to that of lithographic printing: An oleograph is a picture printed in oil colors in imitation of an oil painting.

Jane used a method called "chromolithography" to have her picture appear as an oil painting, which is termed as an oleograph.

Relating to the production of chromolithographs printed in oil colors on canvas, or cloth, as well as on paper.
oleography (s) (noun) (no pl)
The art or process of creating a chromolithograph printed in colors: Oleography refers to the process of printing with oil colors on canvas, or on cloth as well as on paper, in order to imitate an oil painting.
ombrograph (s) (noun), ombrographs (pl)
An instrument for measuring the rain that falls; a rain gauge.
ombrographic (adjective), more ombrographic, most ombrographic
A reference to the recordings of the occurrences, quantities, and speeds of rainfall.
ombrography (s) (noun), ombrographies (pl)
A written recording about the various conditions of falling rain.
omentoportography (s) (noun) (no pl)
Roentgenography of the hepatic protal veins: An omentoportography can be viewed after an injection of a contrast medium into the gastroepiploic vein in the base of the omentum.
A device for converting Morse Code signals that are punched on a tape into audio signals, used in the training of telegraph operators.

Related "writing" word units: glypto-; gram-; scrib-, script-.