grapho-, graph-, -graph, -graphy, -grapher, -graphia

(Greek: to scratch; to write, to record, to draw, to describe; that which is written or described)

As indicated at the bottom of this page, there is a significantly large number of graphic word-entry groups in this unit. Such an extensive listing is provided to show how important the grapho- element is to the English language.

A contrivance by which a series of instantaneous photographs taken in rapid succession can be projected on a screen with similar rapidity, so as to give a life-like reproduction of the original moving scene.
A picture representing objects in motion, produced by bringing separate pictures before the eye in such quick succession as to blend the images into one continuous impression.
The graphic recording of the slow vibrations of the anterior chest wall in the region of the heart, representing the absolute motion at a given point on the chest.
An early type of motion picture camera.
A reference to an early type of motion picture camera.
A device for recording the oscillations of an aircraft in flight.
1. An instrument for graphically recording variations of pressure of a fluid; especially, of blood in the vessels of a living animal; a recording manometer; also called kymographion.

Later used more widely; the instrument consists of a cylinder rotated by a clockwork or electric motor, together with a stylus designed to trace on a roll of paper wrapped around the cylinder a curve representing pressure variations or motion communicated to the stylus.

2. In radiology, an apparatus for recording the movement of the heart or other internal organs by moving an X-ray plate or film past one or more slits in a screen placed between it and the subject, so that movement of the organ in a direction parallel to a slit is recorded as a curve separating differently exposed portions of the radiograph.
kymograph x-ray, kymograph roentgen
A device for recording the movement of the heart or other types of motion on a single x-ray film.
1. A procedure for recording variations in motion or pressure; such as, of blood, consisting typically of a stylus and a rotating drum.
2. An instrument for tracing outlines of projections, profiles, etc.
An instrument for recording the movements of the lips in speaking.
An instrument for making a tracing of the movements of the vocal folds.
1. A radiographic diagnostic study of the heart in which valves and vessels on the left side are examined via x-ray and fluoroscopy following the introduction of a contrast media.
2. Examination of the left side of the heart and associated blood vessels using x-rays following the injection of a radiopaque substance.
lexicograph (s) (noun), lexicographs (pl)
A written example of a single word.
lexicographer (s), lexicographers (pl) (nouns)
1. A person who writes or compiles a dictionary or dictionaries.
2. People who are involved in the compilations and productions of lexicons or dictionaries.

Related "writing" word units: glypto-; gram-; scrib-, script-.